Thursday, October 13, 2011
What's all the fuss about Raw Vegan Diets?
One event that served to bring the raw vegetarian food "phenomenon" into the limelight was the recent opening up an up-scale, five-star gourmet fine dining establishment in the San Francisco Bay Area called Roxanne's. Roxanne Klein, a leading chef and restaurateur, and her multi-millionaire husband David Klein, opened the new restaurant emphasizing a menu that is purely made up of raw food recipe preferences.
Most of the gourmet dishes presented have been developed by Roxanne herself. The quality, originality, seasonings and delicious tastes received the recognition of world-renowned chefs who have visited the restaurant to learn her secrets of the all-raw vegan menu.
Roxanne's is just one example of a much bigger movement that is becoming more popular. Today, in most large cities you can find several restaurants that have raw food meal options on the menu and even a few raw food restaurants that are devoted to only offering living foods.
John Robbins is a best-selling author and is broadly known and revered for his research and guidance about the food industry as a whole. He reports that there is a true food reformation in the works that has people favoring eating more foods that are organic and locally grown, which is at the heart of the vegan culture.
He indicates that this is out of both relevance for health factors and for protecting and bettering the environment as well. The vegan diet is a step beyond both the raw food diets and the vegetarian diets. Eating a raw food vegan diet excludes all meat and dairy, and also purges the cooking of fresh foods in favor of eating them completely in their natural form.
The raw or natural vegan diet includes a wide array of fresh fruits and vegetables, as most would expect. In addition, this raw vegetarian diet also relies a great deal on sprouted legumes and grains, nuts and seeds to supply protein and beneficial oils and fats. One of the primary reasons why eating raw food is considered to be healthy and beneficial to the body is because all of the food is packed full of living enzymes. The enzymes help with the digestive system and help deliver nutrients all over the system.
When food is cooked, these effective enzymes, as well as the other minerals and vitamins are destroyed. When these vital nutrients are destroyed by cooking, the body ends up desiring more food in an attempt to get its nutritional needs met. Through eating a raw vegan diet, the body acquires more nutrients from fewer calories and tends to shed weight naturally, while also feeling less sluggish and bloated.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
The benefits of eating raw foods Everyday
If only the idea of eating a raw food diet is not your cup of tea, then listen carefully because there is much more than most people would assume. The benefits of eating raw foods everyday lives is huge, your body is what you make of it, and by involving themselves in a raw food Lifestyle you really can transform your entire health.
Raw foods Gets a bad reputation even if they actually taste much better than most foods are cooked. When you cook for food at all, you begin to lose the natural flavors in the explosives sector longer you cook them, just as you would start to lose their flavor by cooking them, you lose important nutrients that you need to work.
There are several advantages to eat whole food's daily as to get more energy out of your natural food choices than you would on any other processed food you eat. Since you will not consume many foods with additives or preservatives, you will not issue any gas or indigestion either. Your body becomes sick from all toxins and unnatural foods you put inside it everyday, and when you begin to eat only whole food's body begins to clean himself from all these unwanted toxins.
You might be thinking, how will you survive on only raw foods? It is actually much easier than to cook your meals throughout the week. Firstly, you did not take the time to fix something that you can save hours every week. You simply have to gather a list of raw foods that you know you would have to eat for a week and head out to shop. Some examples of unprocessed foods that you can enjoy are all raw vegetables and fruits, nuts and several condiments that may trigger your interest. Spices can be in the form of oil extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil.
And even if you don't want to go 100% raw, you can always choose to integrate more raw eating with your cooked food. It is always a good idea to focus a good part of your eating of raw foods, and then supplement with cooked foods if you prefer.
You choose to eat whole food's is cheaper and takes less time to live this way. It is healthier for your body and your soul as well. Try it today, even if only for a week to notice the difference your body will go through to get healthier and feel better overall.
Don't miss out on the benefits to enjoy healthy eating habits everyday life! Find lots of free health information to a location on our home page
Friday, August 26, 2011
Raw food diet-you can heal yourself by eating raw foods as I did! -Nursing Secret
If you are suffering from a variety of health problems, or need to lose weight or both and am thinking about changing your diet, you probably made the right decision. Change your diet to a nutritious healthy diet of raw foods (live food) will-foods that are alive-pay off your optimal health. Most people today are eating typical American diet, a diet mainly cooked with little nutritional value and do not know how to diet actually causes many of their ailments and diseases. Many people begin a living food diet when they find out all the health benefits and realize that it can heal or cure them.
I cured my breast cancer more than 10 years ago and turned down all conventional treatments. On switching to a raw food diet cured myself of many other diseases including Fibromyalgia, acid reflux, chronic sinusitis, allergies, and many others also. My immune system was not functioning correctly. I even had trouble to cure gum infections, cancer, ulcers, and simple infections and had many auto immune diseases and ailments.
As soon as I started eating my new diet can I know the difference. Boundless energy, sleep much less (five hours per night), little ailment began to disappear and then the great which has just passed. It was difficult to believe that a diet can do this, but still today, I am in excellent health as a result of my raw food diet.
A living foods diet is easy to implement and you do not have to do the switch right away if you don't want to. But you only start out eating more fruit and planted and green together with the raw nuts. You can eat seeds such as sunflower seeds by making some raw recipe for pates, etc. If you want. There are literally thousands of raw recipes you can make. But you can eat simply, too. You never feel hungry or gain weight if you eat a lot and eats very is key.
Losing weight is easy on a living foods diet. Pounds drop only and you are also eating healthy and doing the best for your body!
Most people do not realise how much they should eat fruit and planted one day and the type of Greens and how much. Just give food that live a try. It does not cost you anything other than the food you buy and by shopping around, you can buy fruit, planted, green, and raw nuts at great-value prices. Attempt to get organic or buy from local farms as much as possible but at least add raw foods to your current diet your body will thank you every day and know that you can help it in every way. I think of everything that goes into my mouth and how it affects my body. Will it help or heal me is two good questions to ask before you eat anything. Just get started on the raw food diet today. You'll be glad you made that I am.
Next my raw food diet cure and secrets-how I used it to cure my breast cancer, arthritis, fibromyalgia, acid reflux, stomach and sleeping problems, headaches, pain, weight loss, etc., is a nurse/ raw food expert's and my easy raw food recipes,
Monday, August 22, 2011
An unconscious College Student discovered the joys of eating raw foods!
Eating raw foods can provide as many health benefits, it is almost hard to mention them all. It is indeed! My dear friend and colleague become vegan years ago and performed on the health benefits of this year on this diet. I never understood why he choose to diet.
Regardless, when he jumped on unprocessed foods bandwagon, I was very surprised. He spoke constantly about the diet, until such time that I decided to give it a go. And boy was I glad I did!
The transition to eat raw food was hard and not easy. My body over a period of approximately one week gave out so many withdrawal symptoms. the missing seriously horrible food I used to eat. It was during this period it fought with the cause. I did not believe that I will do it until I woke up on the seventh day and noticed a big change in how I feel.
From that day and those that followed have become I far fitter, I could go for longer without feeling tired. My sleep was hugely enhanced. I could sleep for a good night's sleep. I had so much energy and my head could be clearly recognized. I could actually think straight. It was as if my body was a giant overhaul. Oh yes, I forgot to mention I don't get sick anymore. That is my skin, my inside feeling as clean and everything works perfectly.
Eating raw foods gave me the ability that I thought I had lost a long time ago. I wanted to only I had taken on the diet in the past. It would have meant that I have not received so many health problems during the period that I eat "normally" as the rest of society. Make a decision and a change in the day, you know that you and your body needs it.
Matt Hoffer is a raw-food enthusiast who suffer from low power until he was interested in raw foods. To discover how to create more energy by eating a diet that is full of raw superfoods, follow Matt's lead. For more information about how to go raw, visits
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Nesco FD-75PR 700-Watt Food Dehydrator

Price: $79.99
Thursday, August 18, 2011
27. Benefits of eating raw foods
This is a list of the great benefits that come from eating a diet based primarily on unprocessed foods. I've been eating 95% of my diet, raw Vegetarian diet for the past 8 years and I have to teach people to do the same during the last 5 years. I have personally seen each of these benefits and have seen many of them are repeated again and again in thousands of friends and customers who have decided to make raw foods is a significant part of their daily diet.
When you read a list like this before experiencing raw food diet for yourself, it may seem a little exaggerated. I can understand if you are skeptical. I would have been if I read the list 10 years ago, too. But the only way to find out for yourself, try this way of eating.
To achieve these types of benefits, it is important to eat a diet with at least 80% raw food for at least six weeks. Anyone who does so will experience at least some of them.
Physical health
Lose weight, especially fat
Look better
Enjoy the brilliant younger-looking skin
Experience more energy and vitality
Support for the body to heal sickness
Mental health
More focus and concentration
Accelerated thinking
Increased brain function
Emotional health
The ability to do things that you don't want to go down
Motivation goes up
Self believes goes up
Creativity Blossoms
Spiritual health
Awareness is increasing
More connection with nature
Gentleness, goodness and compassion develop
Environmental health
Less packaging
Lower transport costs
Increase in organic food
More food available to all
Eat less
More nutrition from foods
Appetite goes down
Tastes better
Fresh tastes best
More joy from eating
Live longer
Statistically speaking, is the longest lived people on the planet people who eat at least
And now I want to give you more information about raw Vegetarian diet just click on the selected text.
From Mark Ament-natural healing advocate-healthy living Expert
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
Raw Gourmet Dishes Simplified
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Eating raw foods
Eating raw foods has become a globally recognized phenomenon. The benefits of a diet high in these vegetables are better heart health, lower back and neck pain and much more, one of the most exciting new study on the phenomenon that raw food is the possibility of a living foods diet to prevent and the ability to turn cancer cells growth.
Preventing Cancer course
Most of the current research eat this food and cancer focuses on cancer prevention, not cure cancer. Studies at major universities and the United States Academy of Science shows that these Diets make a dent in the number of diagnosed cancer cases.
The number of new cancer cases are diagnosed each year in the United States alone is amazing. An average of more than 180,000 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed each year and experts begin to connect Lifestyle choices such as diet and exercise, to this large number.
With no 100 percent effective cure available for some form of cancer, it is important to see how we can prevent cancer. And one of the most impressive and effective ways to prevent many forms of cancer has been found that this diet.
Why raw food?
Demands for these foods may seem a bit unusual for some people. But when you understand what it is perfectly reasonable. Researchers have found that cooking destroys nutrients-nutritional substances that may lead to the prevention of cancer.
When this fact is recognized, the next step is to start eating this food. Isolated cell studies show time and again that such foodstuffs do not cooked foods, have great health benefits, among them the ability to prevent serious diseases like cancer.
The raw food?
With hundreds of fruits and vegetables are available, you must distinguish between those who have cancer preventing features. Here is a brief list of some of the major cancer preventing agents and vegetables and fruits that provide them.
Carotenoids. These important topics in multiple designs. Beta Carotene found in carrots and sweet potatoes, lycopene found in tomatoes and lutien, leafy greens such as Kale, spinach, mustard greens, and much more, some of these carotenoids can also be changed in the form of vitamin a. known as pro vitamin acarotenoids, cantaloupe, carrots and sweet potatoes.
Vitamin C, also known as Ascorbic acid, vitamin C is found in many fruits and vegetables. Almost all citrus fruits, green peppers, cauliflower, broccoli, tomatoes, melons and strawberries contain large amounts of vitamin C.
E-vitamin E Vitamin found in broccoli, turnip greens, coriander, avocado, spinach, blueberries, olives and nuts among other fresh food.
Folic Acid. Folic acid is important for women of childbearing age and as a cancer preventing agent. It is located in the leafy, green vegetables, lima beans, broccoli, beet and asparagus.
Dietary fiber. Known for good digestion, fibre also acts to reduce the risk of cancer. You can find it in cereals, fruits and vegetables. Apples, blackberries, oranges and broccoli is particularly high in fiber.
Selenium. This little-known mineral found naturally in some soils soils. Eat that food grown in soil containing this mineral is said to prevent cancer. An example is the garlic grown in soils with a high density of selenium.
Eat this food is the best way to get the most minerals and vitamins from your food. Start a raw food, cancer prevention diet today by adding raw foods to your current diet. Over time, you can add more, and live foods until you eat raw food at the recommended rate of 75%.
Mark Lewin raw food detox diet helped many people achieve optimal health and fitness through a raw food Detox Diet. A raw food Detox Diet is the primary way to jomp start any health and fitness programs. To learn how you can achieve maximum health and fitness visits raw food detox diet
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Dr. Harvey's Veg-To-Bowl Grain-free Dog Food Pre-Mix, 1 Pound Pouch

Price: $24.68
Monday, August 8, 2011
Eating raw food-the case for eating a raw food diet rather than highly processed food
Eat fast food takes a toll on your body, and no where is this faster course than in your blood plasma. It is shown that blood plasma becomes viscous and cloudy after a meal high in sodium and fat, and that the vessels feeding blood to the heart has difficulty maintaining adequate blood. In addition to the high fat and sodium content includes fast food meals are often very highly processed foods, including white flour. All fatty and processed wheat makes you feel tired and sluggish, which your body struggle to digest it.
So clearly a change in the way we eat is necessary-and one of the healthiest Diets is one that is at least 75% raw, living foods. By eating a diet high in unprocessed foods, you should be to eliminate high-fat, high sodium and highly processed food. You can eat much more, because food is naturally low in calories-no more "fake" chemical sweeteners at lower calorie counts. Eat more raw vegetables and fruits, together with drinking plenty of water, will help you have more energy and feel less tired. All these high fat foods, processed takes so much energy to melt. they make you feel tired and sluggish. You will find that the body uses less energy digesting food, you get more energy for work, play and exercise. A significant improvement, you see in your life.
The idea to your diet can affect how you feel is not a new concept, and you do not have to do very drastic changes in your lifestyle. Just stop and take a good hard look at what you eat when you don't even need attention. We are hungry, and achieve something from the snack machine. We feel a hunger pang in your car and take over for some fries and a shake to eat on the way ... and then come home and eat dinner!
Instead, be prepared for these moments of weakness. Has snacks ready, where you need them, Keep fresh and dried fruits in the Office-a handful of raisins will go far to hold you over until lunch. Have a container of groundnuts or sunflower seeds in the car so you have something to nosh on during the unit. By eating more raw foods and keep healthy snack options on market reach, you will find yourself feeling healthier, look healthier and more energy.
So delete the foods that make you feel tired! Replace them with healthier foods as raw food diet and you begin to see a real change in your health and energy. For more information, please visit the raw food diet foods.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Advantages and disadvantages to eating raw food
The United States has one of the world's biggest problems, obesity. And on the same issue, people all over the world, mainly in the United States is changing rapidly, their lifestyle and to take part in the diet and one of the specific Diets often used today is raw food diet. This diet is made up of course, raw food such as seeds, nuts, fruit, vegetables and so much more. persons who are already involved in this form of dieting claimed that it has many health benefits as rejuvenation, livening up the atmosphere, increased energy, better skin complexion and can fight many diseases. Name a is Crohn's disease, and it can reduce the incidence of certain cancers (not all cancers, by the way).
There are a variety of health benefits on this diet. Solicitation, here are the benefits.
the body seems to have more energy than usual. And because of the energy that the body has the feeling of being stress-decreasing.
Overall cleaning and systemic detoxification process will be given to the Agency, which because of the natural wonders of raw foods.
Raw food has not absorbed the sugar and cholesterol, due to the fact that these substances are absorbed by the food due to the different types of cooking methods. As a result, can participate in this diet reduce the incidence of diabetes and some form of heart disease.
nutrients in raw foods can provide healthy skin and youthful-looking glow. In summary, gives the skin a major character.
increases the body's immune system health.
Nothing is perfect in this world and this diet also has deficiencies. Enlisted here are disadvantages.
Certain foods really healthier when cooked. To name some beans and tomatoes. Beans are more nutritious if cooked, compared to the uncooked. Raw Tomatoes contain lycopene as that of less cooked. As a result, a raw food diets may occur lycopene shortages and this shortcoming can lead to prostate cancer.
the digestive system is not working properly because it is too weak to digest raw foods that contain live enzymes.
Cooking vegetables in different ways like sauting, baking, simmering or any vapor can lose a small amount of enzymes, but it can help in good digestion and iron absorption is increased from 37 to 52 percent.
Vitamin B12 deficiency can be experienced when they only eat raw food because vitamin B12 occurs in animal meat only.
Learn how to use a raw food diet and improve your health with natural home remedies.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
How to eat out when they eat raw
One of the biggest challenges any who want to improve their overall health with a raw food diet can find raw food when you go on the town with friends and family. Not every restaurant thinks up enough to give a raw menu selection. Heck, even finding a vegetarian options can be a challenge a few times, and vegetarianism went traditional years ago. The raw food movement is quite young, and a variety of places that have never heard of it.
What is a social creature to do? You can not only keep raw food dinners for the rest of your life. There are restaurants that you and your friends want to experience!
You can go out and enjoy a relaxing evening at a restaurant, but to make things go smoothly, there are three steps you can take to ensure that everyone has a big night, you, your fellow diners and restaurant that serves you.
Do your homework. If you know where you are going to go ahead, there are lots of ways to check out what is offered, and see what you can eat. Many restaurants post their entire menus online, giving you a sneak peek at the various options. If you do not see a pure raw option, take advantage of some of the closest alternative, which would require at least working to convert for your purposes.
Then call the restaurant. Ask to speak to the Concierge, Manager or someone who is knowledgeable about the menu. Tell them directly about your dietary needs, and ask their opinion. Tell us what you found on their menu, and see if they agree with your choices, or if they can suggest something better. Offers to share your insights in the meal creates ñ they can get interested and consider adding it to their menu to draw in other raw foods to go.
Talk to the chef. If you're going to a fancy restaurant, ask to speak to the Cook when you sit, but before you order. They can escort you back to speak with staff as cooking, or one of them can come to you. Be polite, express your gratitude and explaining what you are looking for.
Most gourmet chefs to enjoy a good challenge, and if they have never had a chance to make a raw meal before, they may like to experiment on you. If the restaurant, do not type of place to send out a chef for a chat, ask to speak with a Manager instead. They can forward messages back to the kitchen for you.
If all else fails, get the lettuce. You can always try to fight the good fight, but sometimes you get what you want. If the restaurant is too busy to do custom orders, or they don't allow any remuneration to their designer meals, can you take one for the team. Your fellow non-raw diners will appreciate your sacrifice, but a good salad is, indeed, never bad. Be clear when you are ordering that you do not want anything cooked on your salad with toasted pine nuts, none ñ no croutons, no roasted garlic dressings.
Yuri Elkaim is a registered holistic Nutritionist and author of raw food diet book eating for energy. Visit to get started with their free energy Secrets "email course and discover what your diet has been missing.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
What Exactly is Binge Eating?
Binge eating refers to the act of over eating. It is the most common eating disorder which is faced by approximately 30% of people are seeking weight loss treatment. Although this is common to obese people, individuals with normal weight are also included in this number. Simply because anybody can have this most common eating disorder.
Unlike other eating disorders such as bulimia and emotional eating, binge eating doesn’t crave for food. While emotional eating happens only when someone is at extreme emotions, binge eating eats with no reason at all. In reality, a binge eater has negative feelings over foods. In fact, they have the knowledge about their eating disorder and always have the desire to hide it from other people. Some indications of this eating disorder are uncontrollable eating habit, eating rapid and secret eating, eating until feeling nauseated, feeling ashamed and disgusted after eating.
Binge eating has various bad effects to our health. Primarily, it results to a sudden onset of weight gain which in the long run will result to obesity. As we know, obesity is a greater risk to different chronic disorders. This eating disorder gives the body more fats, sugar and sodium as well as fewer nutrients. A binge eater is in a state of denial that it can’t taste the food that it consumes in large amount. Often times, it may bring high cholesterol level, kidney stone, diabetes and cancer. In addition, it can carry some ailments like indigestion, spasms and sleep apnea.
Binge eating is caused by many factors. In its biological aspect, low level of brain serotonin contributes to compulsive eating. Hypothalamus which is associated with appetite is also another factor as it might send incorrect messages regarding hunger and fullness. Thus, even if a binge eater eats large amount of foods, he may have a hard time to figure out that he’s already full. On its psychological aspect, binge eating may be caused by depression which is brought by loneliness, low self-esteem and body dissatisfaction. It disrupts the body’s control towards its impulses and expressions of feelings. Usually, eating became the object to which the depression is expressed. On its social aspect, social pressure and sexual abuse may result to binge eating. In our society, although there’s actual discrimination being thin is the accepted body size. This problem is usually experienced by overweight people who are pressured to lose weight. Some other factors are failure of losing weight.
Fortunately, binge eating can be treated. However, the success of its treatment lies on the patient itself. It requires a certain level of motivation in order to continue with the treatment no matter how hard it may seem. Failure through giving up has no place in this treatment.
Primarily, binge eating is strongly associated with psychiatric problems. Therefore, it’s better to consult with psychiatrists and psychologists. Therapies are prescribed to encourage and develop certain behaviors called by a certain situation to avoid binge eating. It somehow develop positive outlook in any tough situation.
Binge eating is a disorder, thus, it’s necessary to bring it into order. Otherwise, the problem would just upsurge. If not treated, binge eating would definitely result to obesity and other health problems.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
O.N.E. Coconut Water, 11.2-Ounce Aseptic Containers (Pack of 12)

Price: $23.00
Friday, July 29, 2011
PermaChart - Dehydration - Reference Card / Chart by Mindsource Technologies

Tuesday, July 26, 2011
World Cuisine ART 4982799 Turning Plastic Spiral Vegetable Slicer

more, are not quite as easy to use, don't grip counters as well, and the noodles made are not quite as nicely formed. They can make 3 noodle widths to the World Cuisine's 2 widths (medium and large) but we find we never use the finer noodle blade with the Benriner anyway. By placing the vegetable or fruit on the prongs of the crank wheel and turning the crank while pushing the base toward the vertical julienne blade, continuous spiral noodles or curled julienne strips are created. The slicer has suction cup feet for a good grip on most surfaces, better than other slicers. The slicer is pretty tough, more robust feeling than the Benriner and Joyce Chen slicers. It is made of high impact plastic with no-rust stainless steel blades, and comes with easy to follow instructions. Unused blades store in the base.
Price: $34.99
Monday, July 25, 2011
Is good to eat raw honey for eczema-determine fact about your skin now clears
Millions of people worldwide suffer from eczema. There is a severe skin disease that can completely destroy. Symptoms include rash, burning, redness and severe itching that can sometimes be very unbearable. With all of these symptoms, people are always on the lookout for natural remedies and a question that comes over a lot is: raw honey is to eat good for eczema?
Raw honey is used worldwide for treating all kinds of diseases. But eczema is a very serious illness, we need to take a deeper look to see how it will have on your skin.
Raw honey contains pollen and dust from the "bin". Now that the raw honey is made, the person skin to develop an immunity to these dust and pollen that would normally be irritating to skin. What it eats raw honey will help to reduce eczema by providing and immunity to external factors that normally would irritate the skin. Raw honey should not be strained before use.
Apart from the ingestion of raw honey, you can also apply it to the affected areas. Simply ensure that your skin surface is clean and apply a small amount. You can also cover it with a package to reduce the stickiness that may lead to.
When to use raw honey
There are certain times when your eczema will just flare up on you. This may be due to climatic conditions or other factors. It is best to try to keep it under control at this time before it gets worse. You may use the honey at the time, but you must also practice other "eczema reduction" habits to remain eczema free.
Eczema reduction habits
1. Try to keep the skin clean at all times. Take a shower twice a day with a mild soap that will not irritate the skin helps.
2. Stay out of the Sun. Yes you need some sunlight but long exposure to the Sun can cause serious damage to the skin.
3. do not irritate the skin, scratch it. When you scratch, do you cut off the area because the skin becomes thin causing more problems for yourself.
Clear your skin of eczema
With raw honey and follow the above tips can help you reduce or even eliminate your eczema depending on how serious it is. What you should do is to attack the problem before it gets worse. So now you have the answer to your question: "eat raw honey is good for eczema?" Follow the above suggestions and see that your skin clear up.
What do you do now?
Discover How to fight your eczema, banish your itching, redness, and stop having your clear and beautiful skin back in 10 days or less-guaranteed!
Take two minutes to read My Story on the next page to see how I went from being a chronic eczema sufferers find A Natural eczema treatment to have ended all my eczema problems for good.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
This Cooked Planet

1. Intro
2. The Whole World Lookin' at Me
3. Survival Hungry
4. When Disaster Strikes
5. So Hardcore
6. Get High Tonight
7. Turn It Up
8. Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Could See
9. There's Not a Problem My Squad Can't Fix
10. We Could Take It Outside
11. Rhymes Galore
12. Things We Be Doin' for Money, Pt. 1
13. Things We Be Doin' for Money, Pt. 2
14. One
15. Dangerous
16. The Body Rock
17. Get Off My Block
18. Outro (Preparation for the Final World Front)
Price: $21.49
Monday, July 18, 2011
Crazy Sexy Diet: Eat Your Veggies, Ignite Your Spark, and Live Like You Mean It!

The author of the best-selling Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips
and Crazy Sexy Cancer Survivor
takes on the crazy sexy subject of
what and how we eat, drink, and think. Â
On the heels of Kris Carrâ??s best-selling cancer survival guidebooks and her acclaimed TLC documentary comes her new journey into a realm vital to anyoneâ??s health. Infused with her signature sass, wit and advice-from-the-trenches style, Crazy Sexy Diet is a beautifully illustrated resource that puts you on the fast track to vibrant health, happiness and a great ass!
Along with help from her posse of experts, Carr lays out the fundamentals of her Crazy Sexy Diet: a low-glycemic, vegetarian program that emphasizes balancing the pH of the body with lush whole and raw foods, nourishing organic green drinks, and scrumptious smoothies. Plus, she shares the steps of her own twenty-one-day cleanse, and simple but delectable sample recipes.
In ten chapters with titles such as, “pHabulous,â? “Coffee, Cupcakes and Cocktails,â? “Make Juice Not War,â? and “God-Pod Glow,â? Carr empowers readers to move from a state of constant bodily damage control to one of renewal and repair. In addition to debunking common diet myths and sharing vital tips on detoxifying our bodies and psyches—advice that draws both on her personal experience as a cancer survivor and that of experts—she provides helpful hints on natural personal care, how to stretch a dollar, navigate the grocery store, eating well on the run, and working through the inevitable pangs and cravings for your old not-so-healthy life.
Crazy Sexy Diet is a must for anyone who seeks to be a confident and sexy wellness warrior.
Including contributions by:
Dean Ornish, M.D. - author and founder and president of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute
Neal Barnard, M.D. - author, founder of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), author of Food for Life
Kathy Freston - author of Quantum Wellness and health advocate
Alejandro Junger, M.D. - author of Clean: The Revolutionary Program to Restore the Body's Natural Ability to Heal Itself, and director of integrative medicine at Lenox Hill Hospital, NYC
Rory Freedman - coauthor of Skinny Bitch  and health advocate
Mark Hyman, M.D. - author of The UltraMind Solution and pioneer in functional medicine
Emily Deschanel - star of the Fox series Bones and health advocate
Sharon Gannon - author of Yoga and Vegetarianism, and cofounder of Jivamukti Yoga
Wayne Pacelle - president & CEO, The Humane Society of the United States
Stacy Malkan - author and cofounder of the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics
Dr. Lilli Link - specialist in raw foods and integrative nutrition Â
Frank Lipman - author of Revive: Stop feeling Spent and Start Living Again and founder of the Eleven Eleven Wellness Center
Crazy Sexy tips for optimal health
Kris Carrâ??s television appearances have included:
- CBS Evening News with Katie Couric
- The Early Show
- The Today Show
- Montel
- Access Hollywood
- The Mike & Juliet Show
- Good Morning America
- The Oprah Winfrey Show
Do you have any idea what itâ??s like to feel blissfully whole and comfortable in your skin? You will. The Crazy Sexy Diet and lifestyle will give you the tools to navigate through life with clarity, balance, and flow. Health is more than just the absence of disease; it is the presence of vitality. Health is freedom from obstruction; itâ??s living in a harmonious way that creates both inner and outer peace. . . . The Crazy Sexy Diet is loaded with wisdom, tips and advice from personal experien ce. If I feel great living and eating this way then you can feel fantastic! What I present to you is what works for me and countless other wellness warriors. This information just might save your life, or at the very least reduce the pesky cellulite. Itâ??s an awakening without the disease, knowledge without the price. Changing your mind is the biggest obstacle you face. But once you do, youâ??ll realize that you are the one youâ??ve been waiting for. . . .
Price: $24.95
Thursday, July 14, 2011
To eat raw advantages-3 simple steps to start a raw food diet
Eat raw advantages are many and varied. Not only do raw food tastes better, it is much better if you nutritionally than cooked food. There are also less preparation time, that fits comfortably into our already busy lives.
It's easy to get more raw foods in your daily life. Below are three quick and easy steps you can take immediately so you can see and feel the benefits of eating raw.
Do not think you have a 100% raw at once. I think that is where most people experience the main stumbling block. It is extremely difficult to get all raw overnight, and many raw food advocates are actually not 100% raw. I personally endeavour 75 percent, and most days I get there, but important to understand is it is it is not all or nothing. Raw food diet is ideal to gradually work in your daily life.
Buy fresh and organic when possible. Organic food is much better than the usual things. I try to buy organically as much as possible. I realize that it is more expensive and that finances are a concern of all these days, but the differences between organic and non organic products is remarkable. I try also to visit the farmer's markets and stands as soon as I can. Through this simple act, you are not only supporting local enterprises, but the freshness and quality of food is much better.
The last point is the simplest of all to say, but sometimes difficult to accomplish. You must simply begin. Instead of pushing it to a different day, why not stop at the grocery store on the way home from work. Most stores have these days, a wide range of organic options to choose from. Get started today!
By slowly and gradually work more raw foods into your daily routine, you'll begin to all eat raw. If you get started today, it is not long before you notice a big difference in how you look and feel.
Ted Begnoche invites you to download a copy of his free report detailing the simple scientific facts behind why eat more raw foods, you can to lose weight have more energy and look younger. Add raw foods into your daily life can be both simple and very effective.
Find out how by visiting today to get your free report.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
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Price: $11.49
Thursday, July 7, 2011
How to Become Smarter

? Depending on circumstances, use different lifestyles that improve one or another mental function.
? Experience euphoria without drugs and come up with new ideas, when needed.
? Slow down and prevent yourself from making rash, impulsive decisions, when necessary.
? Sharpen your wit, become more talkative, and entertain people.
? When necessary, lower your mood and increase emotional tension, which can help reduce procrastination.
? Increase your score on intelligence or general aptitude tests.
? Concentrate on reading and writing for many hours daily.
? Increase your grade point average if you are a student or improve your job productivity if you are a knowledge worker.
? Get along with people and live without arguments and conflicts.
The proposed methods are brief cooling or heating of the body (water therapy) and three different "smart diets," each suitable for a different type of task. The text also describes a "depressant diet," which is not a smart diet but can improve self-control and sleep. The strict diets do not have to be used on a permanent basis and the conventional food pyramid is recommended most of the time. Several useful social skills and studying/writing techniques are also discussed.
Most authors in this field will tell you that you should read more books, solve mental puzzles, buy their nutritional supplements, sleep well, exercise, etc., in order to get smarter. In contrast, this book is proposing moderately cold hydrotherapy and a smart diet (which involves avoiding all dietary supplements). To give another example, most books on anger management say that you should try to change your thinking in order to overcome anger, while this book suggests hot hydrotherapy and the exclusion of certain foods from your diet. The main focus of discussion in this text is on changing the biological workings of the brain, not on pop psychology. Particularly, the book describes various combinations of diets and hydrotherapy that have the following effects: sedative/sleep-promoting, stimulant/wakefulness-promoting, attention-enhancing, antianxiety, antidepressant, mood-stabilizing (mood-lowering), and euphoriant. Additionally, existing scientific evidence of pain-reducing, fever-reducing, anti-fatigue, immunostimulatory, antinausea, and anti-inflammatory effects of hydrotherapy is also presented. The possible side effects of the diets and hydrotherapy are discussed as well.
Despite its technical content, the book is written in an accessible language and has an informative summary for each chapter and a list of key points at the end of each section. Most of the claims in the bulleted list above are supported by a theory and the author's personal experience (a healthy subject). About a half of these claims are directly supported by previously published scientific studies, including the claim about intelligence tests. The author's academic transcripts and test scores have been documented and can be verified independently. You can read 10% of the book for free, directly in your browser, if you visit the web page of the paperback edition and click on "Read first chapter FREE" on the right-hand side of the page (this feature works in the majority of web browsers).
Price: $0.99
Monday, July 4, 2011
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Saturday, July 2, 2011
Eating raw food-the pros and cons
If you are interested to know what the raw food diet is all about the advantages and disadvantages associated with this diet, read on. Raw food diet is that praise to heaven and are advertised far and wide as one of the best Diets nutritionists and health enthusiasts. In a nutshell, this diet is based essentially on the consumption of plant nutrients which is either cooked or processed.
Raw food contains a whole range of seeds, beans, nuts, sprouts, juices, seeds, fruits and vegetables. It may also include certain types of salmon, mutter pates and cheeses and much more, there are lots of recipes so you will never be at a loss about what to eat. The range of choices is sufficiently wide for you to find lots of interesting things for your palette.
Eating raw food has many benefits including:
These foodstuffs when spent helps to reduce cholesterol and glucose levels which in turn help to reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes.
Here you will find that your energy levels, increasing and decreasing your stress levels.
Your skin will begin to look healthy and warm with vitality.
Your digestion is improved tremendously because enzymes in vegetables not destroyed by cooking.
The system will have a thorough cleansing and detoxification through consumption of raw foods.
The downside to eat raw food can be summed up as:
Eat these foods can lead to vitamin B12 deficiency, which can be found in animal products. This shortcoming can lead to anemia and some neurological problems as well.
Lycopene lack is an opportunity because lycopene found in abundance in the tomatoes are cooked.
There are many other foods that will be cooked, such as raw food diet eggs but usually omit the eggs completely and replacing them with agar agar or flax seeds.
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Thursday, June 30, 2011
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Condition: New
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Monday, June 27, 2011
Nutrition-eating raw foods for energy-want more information?
Learn how to eat for energy. We all feel the need to gain more energy for the most part. Is your hectic schedule emptying all of your energy from your body? Do you feel tired or just "gas" when you are finished exercising? Do you think that you do everything you can to maintain the highest energy can you possibly?
Your body needs to be full of life all the time:
When you sleep, your body needs enormous energy to eliminate waste.
When you arrive in the morning, you feel happy and anxious to come up with.
If and when you exercise, your body operate in the best possible shape so you feel very alive.
If you're still reading, it is because you know what I am talking about.
You know normally pretty good but not always?
You feel something is missing and cannot explain this feeling?
You eat well and feel is still something missing?
Your mind is playing games with you, wonders from time to time, and you just don't get it?
Eating raw foods for energy will change your feelings. It will stabilize your vision of what is wrong. Eating the right foods have helped to develop a clear picture of what I thought. I feel at least ten years younger and I cannot believe it took me all the time to understand how to eat is so important that I daily energy level.
Starting today, eat for energy are all want your body. There is a need for the "high octane" levels of fuel to ensure maximum performance at all times. From the moment you get up in the morning until your eyes close at night, your body must be in the best shape i can be both physically and mentally. Thinking.
Click here to learn more if you seriously want to change your life for the better go to and start changing today.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Raw food diet-seven reasons to switch to eating raw food
Our prehistoric ancestors ate most of their food raw vegetables, fruits, nuts and berries comprise a large part of the hunter/gatherer diet. But since we have learned to use fire to cook our food, our diet has changed-people are nowadays rarely eat anything raw, except maybe a salad along with their steak. But recently, it has been more of a focus on healthy eating, and this has convinced many people to eat more raw foods is the way to go.
Here are some of the reasons why so many people make the transition to raw food Diets:
1. foodstuffs are higher in nutritional value when they are eaten raw. When we cook food, not just vitamins, proteins and lipids that we must destroy, it actually breaks down the naturally occurring enzymes that would help us to digest food.
2. you can maintain a healthy weight much easier with raw foods. We get full faster on raw diet since the food contains more water and fiber, so we eat less. In addition, filling fruit and vegetables is lower in calories-so you can be as much as it takes to feel complete without exaggerated it.
3. Taste! Food has much more flavor in the raw state, so that you can use less salt, and spices.
4. it is easy to do if you're tired of having to spend most of your evening after work in the kitchen preparing meals and clean up, you'll love how easy it is to prepare and clean up after a raw meal.
5. it is good for the environment-it encourages the use of organic and local produce and leftovers can go to the compost pile.
6. it is better for you general health-raw food does not contain the free radicals caused by cooking, so reduce the risk of cancer. More fibre in your food leads to less digestive problems, and the incidence of colon cancer. And it is so rich in nutrition, it can help the body stay fit and function well, which allows for more natural immunity against diseases such as colds and influenza.
7. you can save money! Food from the Department's products are much cheaper than steaks and pork marzipan. In addition, you don't have to buy as many pots and pans and you can also save on your medical bills.
If you want to save your money, save the planet and save himself, is raw food diet meal plans the way to go. Raw foods are healthier, lower costs and a more environmentally friendly option than most cooked food Diets.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Yoga: Your Way to a Beautiful Body
The mysteries of the east have always caused fascination to western civilizations. Everything coming from the east seems to be strange, exotic and seductive. The geishas, samurais and Shaolin monks which are few of the representation of the eastern culture are some of the things that appeal mysteriously to western civilization.
Through modern age, the gap between east and west has begun to shrink. Western ideas, invention and philosophy have been integrated to the lives of the eastern people. The once bizarre practices of the east are now practiced by westerners. This fact is especially true nowadays, where any ancient eastern practice are considered cool. One example of such practices is Yoga.
Yoga is basically a traditional mental and physical discipline which originated in India. Its primary goal is to improve health. The practice of Yoga would create a huge difference in a person’s health, physical and mental constitution.
Due to its overall benefits, many celebrities are already practicing yoga. Different celebrities such as, Meg Ryan, Jennifer Anniston and Madonna have admitted that they are into Yoga. Most of them are saying that through Yoga, they have improved strength and concentration. Plus, it toned their bodies and calmed their minds. These claims have not gone unnoticed that’s why Yoga is becoming more popular.
As popular as it is, it doesn’t mean that it is just a fad. Yoga really does have great benefits not only to the body but also for the mind and soul. The physique of a person would dramatically change as Yoga sculpts the body. The poses used in yoga are also designed to tone the muscles making it firm. It also increases flexibility which is often overlooked by most people.
The positions used in yoga optimize the use of joints, which simply mean that the joints, ligaments and tendons will be well lubricated. Thus, the body would be able to move more easily and more gracefully. Aside from the things mentioned above, Yoga also serves an excellent detoxification exercise. This would result in giving a person more energy, more zest in life and will make them look younger.
Honestly, Yoga is not the best exercise for quick weight loss. It is a type of exercise that is gradual that is why calories are not burned that fast. But as the saying goes, good things come to those who wait. Yoga may not be the best way for fast weight loss but it is definitely the way to have a great health. When I say great health, it is not just feeling healthy it is also about looking healthy. Yoga as a great way for toning muscles makes the muscles that has become limp, saggy and weak to become strong and firm. This also makes it an excellent choice for people who want to lose weight without after effects like excess and saggy skin or any total consumption of energy. Yoga exercises boost every aspect of a person namely: his physical, mental and spiritual being.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Progressive International LKS-06 Lettuce Keeper

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Friday, June 17, 2011
Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats

Price: $27.00
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Eating raw food-4 things you should know
A raw food diet simply eat raw uncooked and unprocessed foods. There are many advantages to starting a living foods diet, which includes increased energy, promote weight loss, improved colon health and improving digestion. To get started, here are some things you should know.
Eat organic
Eating raw food is a lifestyle that takes discipline and motivation to continue. To get the most benefit with the diet, it is recommended that you eat organic food. Organic fruit and vegetables are free of pesticides and hazardous chemicals and hormones which is used to promote rapid growth. But these chemicals foods maintain their natural condition and is much healthier as a result.
Food preparation
The food that is eaten raw food diet is mostly fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, coconut milk and clean drinking water, to name a few. Most of these foods can put in a salad or fruit and vegetable juices. To add a little structure can foods steamed for a small period of time. Try to avoid preparing food with heat exceeding 116 degrees because it removes the natural enzymes in foods that are good for digestion and vitamin sources. A juicer is also a good way to get your daily source of nutrition at the combine fruits and vegetables for a pleasant tasting drink.
Balance your vitamins
But there are many reasons to increase the amount of raw fruits and vegetables in your diet, you still have to be cautious. It will increase in overall health, but some important vitamins and minerals will be missing from your diet, calcium and protein, calories, all of which are important for your health. Fruit and vegetables has substantially fewer calories than other foods, so there will be a need to eat more to meet today's borders. You can also take calcium dietary supplements receive daily-recommended amount.
Shopping for raw mat
Common food stores is a good place to start shopping for raw fruit and vegetables but. raw food stores account in particular of ecological the entire foods. they also have a wider selection of foods that are essential for a living foods diet, grain legumes, seeds, fiber and whole grains in limited access to grocery stores. You can also purchase your whole food-s in bulk or as needed without worrying about whether the object is out of stock.
Eating raw food is a natural way to get healthy and feel great. If you are ready to raw, go for everything you need.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Dr. Gary Null's Building the Immune System Naturally

You'll learn about natural methods of building your immune system: lifestyle changes, dietary changes, herbs that strengthen the immune system, and the positive effects of vitamin C.
Price: $49.95
Friday, June 10, 2011
The benefits of eating raw foods
Raw food, otherwise call "living foods", is simply natural foods in the unaltered state. A raw food diet based on eating healthy, organic, nutritionally dense, uncooked foods, unaltered. If at least 75% of your meal intake is raw food, you can then be called a raw foodist. When this percentage is expected to be the natural elimination system in your body will be able to eliminate most, if not all, of toxins are received via the cooked part of your diet.
Persons on a raw food diet is usually vegans. This means that they do not consume animal products like milk and meat. They mainly eat raw food plants, nuts and seeds to plant seeds and fruits.
There are many advantages to be experienced by adopting a raw diet regime. They are the following:
-Raw food of much better nutritional quality instead of cooked food, the body requires, therefore, less in order to satisfy their nutritional needs. Persons on a raw food diet, tend to consume less tan as they would have normally consumed. It is well known in those days the heat associated with cooking destroys the essential vitamins, proteins and enzymes, critical in the digestive process fails.
-Taste of these foods is clearly dominant, so there is absolutely no reason to add various spices and condiments that may irritate the intestines, leading to overstimulation of the glands.
-Food preparation time is an all time low when preparing raw food meals and cleaning up after a meal is "help". Foods eaten are resolution more easily and quickly than before. This helps keep the body's immune system strong and effective, rather than depleting the natural enzymes in the digestive tract.
-Consumption of these foods has been proven by science, and many testimonies, in order to be able to change certain chronic diseases. Don't forget that the process of cooking creates free radicals, which happens to be the leading cause of cancer today. Therefore, by reducing the number of free radicals in the body, you automatically reduce or lower the risk of cancer.
-Persons on a raw diet tend to sleep much better than in the past and experience a noticeable increase in their energy levels. Natural foods not only increase your energy, but they also fill your cells daily. Energy level tends to increase, partly because the detoxification and partly as a result of better nutrition.
There are of course many more benefits that have been affected by people who have made a transition to a raw diet. When the body is fed the demand for individual health, improved. If you choose to follow a raw food diet. take lots of deep breaths, drink copious amounts of water, and remember to persevere. Whole, unprocessed foods are high in fiber and water. the easy revitalize cells and stimulate the circulatory system.
Every journey begins with a simple step. make a selection, stick to it and you will get great results!
There are several easy ways to start a healthy habit of eating and improve your general health. Get access to more detailed information and learn simple daily steps you can follow by visiting my homepage http://EverydayHealthGirl.comon
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
7 Health benefits of eating raw foods
The raw food movement was started first in the 1970s by Dr. Ann Wigmore, who believed that a return to raw eats food would improve our health and prevent many diseases. Since then, the raw food movement has grown around the world, Celebrity Chefs and restaurants, and health food shops offer a variety of options for raw food.
Whether we choose to follow the raw food movement or not, need our bodies unprocessed fruit and vegetables every day for optimal loading and functioning. The benefits of eating raw foods include:
Improved nutritional content: fresh, organic fruits and vegetables have higher nutritional content than cooked frozen or canned. Vitamins, minerals, and important enzymes and phytonutrients are retained in full, rather than being lost or destroyed in the cooking process.
Improved resolution: we feel the need to chew raw fruits and vegetables is much more than we cooked them because the texture is usually crunchy. This additional chewing breaks down food into smaller pieces and helps to blend the important salivary digestive enzymes with our food before it enters the stomach, aiding in digestion.
Improved alkalinity: the foods that we eat plays an important role in the alkalinity in our bodies. When we eat cooked foods for the most part, it may create a slightly acidic conditions in our body, which can impair the immune system and lead to colds, flus and more serious disease.
Increased energy levels: raw food is not only full of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and phytonutrients, they also comes packed with vibrant energy from the Sun. This combination gives you a natural energy boost during the whole day.
Clarity in mind: clean, fresh raw foods to clearing and freshening to your thoughts.
New textures and flavors: If your diet is currently lacking in raw foods, to add a few in can bring new textures and flavors to meals, help you get out of a rut and feel inspired to Cook, or UN-cook-again.
Weight loss: If you start your weight loss journey or hitting a plateau, adding more raw fruits and vegetables can help you spread a few unwanted pounds.
In a healthy diet, unprocessed fruit and vegetables make anywhere between 40% and 80% of your daily food intake. If you live in a colder climate, can you eat more raw foods in the late spring, summer and early fall and more boiled foodstuffs during the cold months of the year.
Easy ways to incorporate raw foods in your diet:
Drink a green smoothie for breakfast, lunch on the go or a mid-afternoon snack.
Include a large salad in your lunch or dinner. Start with a few fresh Greens and fill it with someone you've planted in the House. cucumber and tomato are obvious additions but also experiment with radishes, peppers, avocados, iceberg lettuce, sprouts, carrots, celery, green beans and mushrooms.
Enjoy the planted and dipping as snacks or even as vegetables with your meal.
Things a wrap with lettuce, tomato, cucumber, sprouts and avocado for a tasty and satisfying lunch.
Have fruit salad for dessert.
May occur with certain digestive discomfort and/or loose stool if you increase your raw food intake, so you must add it to the gradual and your body to adjust. Soon you will discover the benefits of eating lots of raw foods for yourself.
About the author: Rachel Assuncao, certified wellness Coach
Rachel Assuncao works with busy parents and staff struggling to eat well and live a happy, energized, and vibrant life. As a coach certified health she supports and helps you achieve your wellness objectives and embrace the ongoing work to build up the overall health and balance at all levels.
Rachel offers personal health coaching personally to clients of the Office in Brantford, ON, Canada. Individual wellness coaching is also available via Skype or telephone for clients around the world. Read more http://www.awakenedwellness.comon
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Nutrition-5 benefits of eating raw foods
Eating the right foods is the most important part of being alive. What happens if the fuel mix is wrong in your car? Watch all the time that the program space works in the right fuel to enter outer space. Why eat spinach, Popeye? We often joke about the food, but if you are sick, overweight or obese, jokes are only waiting for you.
Näringslära-5 benefits of eating raw foods.
You will sleep better. As the digestive system works to the chemicals and digest your food, it will be easier to do its job if you eat it right.
No more swollen after meals. Eating raw foods in the amounts for which you do not you feel bloated. Every time I shut down my food now, I am surprised that my body does not reject the food I eat. Swell is a sign that something is not right?
Your energy level will increase enormously. You will not feel tired. The body uses fuel to improve performance, not slow down there, right? I have always wondered why I was tired after eating at the same time as it should be the other way around.
You will have regular bowel movements. You should have 2 or 3 per day, every day. Eating raw foods will regulate system mag and you'll keep what and eliminate the crap. Your mind is completely mixed up with the foods you are eating now and do not see what you do to yourself.
Your enthusiasm levels will amaze those around you. You will wake up for once. Your eyes will shine and your mind will spend more positive information about you. Wait until you see yourself in this new State.
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Friday, June 3, 2011
Flying Fish Roe Salmon Egg Sushi Cufflinks w/Gift Box

Cufflink Details:
Condition: New
Color: Orange/Red & Black
Packaging: Black Box
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Monday, May 30, 2011
Eating raw foods for your health
Takes up a raw food diet benefit you in so many ways. In fact, you only have to replace one or two meals per day and you can begin to realize the benefits. Simply put, will your health reap many rewards from a raw food diet.
How do you get the raw food diet work for you? The trick is to stick with fresh food. At the same time, do you want to keep far away from processed foods. This will help you to overcome food addiction and become your body of all poisons these foods have. To get rid of all the excess salt, sugar and harmful chemical additives will break those old habits in faster than you can imagine.
Protein is undeniable. Your body needs protein to produce and deliver your muscles with amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of life, and you need them to survive. A common myth that you will hear about being on the raw food diet is that you are not enough protein and thus decreases to bad health. This is completely untrue.
In fact, raw food enthusiast, on average, 50 grams of protein every day, and this without eating meat. Did you know that FDA Food and Drug Administration recommends that on a two thousand calorie a day diet consumes an average of 30 grams of protein every day. So, given those numbers, when they eat raw, you can expect to exceed these recommendations with 20 grams daily!
By not Cook gives you the privilege of retaining all natural vitamins and minerals in your food. Cook takes to some of these positive items removed from the food. This is not a fact that is well known. The heat we introduce after boiling, baking and frying actually affects the chemical composition of the food. In the end it is our health is happening.
If you are new to this Lifestyle, you should know that your sugar, salt and fat abuses wane you will discover the really wonderful flavour food than butterfat. Additionally increases your mental health and stability. You should Notice less stress and anxiety, as well as increased concentration and memory. If this sounds good to you then I do not know what will!
As time passes, you will learn how to mix and match your food for the best taste and health. You are not alone, and by searching online, you'll find a whole community to support you in your new lifestyle and provide the impetus that you may need.
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Thursday, May 26, 2011
Stainless Steel Dehydrator, 1000Watts

Weston Stainless Steel Food Dehydrator with 10 Drying Trays
Heavy-duty stainless steel construction
Over 15 square feet of drying space from 10 large, removable racks
Each rack measures 16 1/4" x 13 3/4" (41.3 x 35 cm)
Color-coded thermostat adjusts up to 155oF (68C)
12-hour timer
1000-watt 120-volt heating element with a 6 1/2" diameter (16.5 cm) quiet fan
Rear-mounted drying system circulates air from back to front through each rack..rack rotation not required!
Counter-top design measures 16" x 17" x 20" (40.6 x 43.3 x 51.1 cm)
Removable door allows for easy access to the racks
Includes instruction & recipe book
Measures: 19.3" x 22.4" x 20"
One-year Limited Manufacturer's Warranty
Price: $299.99
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Learn how you can improve your body health by eating raw foods
It was natural for humans to eat raw food for thousands of years, after that we have an extension. It is only then that man evolved that we actually don't have a need for it. Look at all the animals in the wild and they do not have the opportunity to cook their own food, it does not harm them now will it take?
One of the main reasons we started to cook their own food, so to speak, was because it was thought that cooking killed by microbes. But with this method, people went to extremes that cooking everything such as apples, tomatoes and bananas. The truth however is that microbes will only prove where there is an environment in which they can develop. When we eat food that is cooked then this toxic environment is in existence. If we remove it and replace with a raw food substitute exits microbes actually, not vice versa.
Your body processes food cooked almost as a toxin as the body tries to fight. White blood cells in your body goals actively cooked food. Heated food is not as high in nutrition that raw food, this can lead to people who eat more cooked food which in turn can also lead to people being overweight.
When we cook up some food as protein such as we absorb it in our body, but it must then be divided into each of its amino acids. The issue here is that well cooked food become fused together as the protein value of cooked meats rather useless compared to its raw counterpart. With proteins which have only partially degraded it is seen by your body as a toxin which then means your kidneys have more difficult to process the food. This puts more strain on your kidneys that can lead to negative later in life.
Now, I suggest you go and eat the meat raw, so in principle may sound good, but the reality is that you will end up sick with food poisoning. But you should look at the fruit and vegetables. It is well known that the water is contained in your fruit and vegetables is good for you, when it is cooked it is all lost. If you start to eat your five fruit and vegetables per day gives you the perfect source of nutrients.
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Sunday, May 22, 2011
Ways to Overcome Obesity and Hypertension
Hypertension is related to age advancement and health deterioration but the latter is more apparent when it comes to untimely onset of high blood pressure. This can be measured based on the normal level that is 120/80 which is the ideal amount of systolic pressure over diastolic pressure.
Systolic pressure is the amount of pressure exerted when pumping blood out of the heart while diastolic pressure is the resting period in between each endless cycle of blood circulation throughout the body. Any signs of deviating from the ideal level mentioned above simply shows you are already prone to hypertension. This is alarming most especially if the person concerned is still out of the hypertension bracket age range.
The common cause of having premature hypertension is obesity or being overweight. It is a medical condition that usually serves as a springboard for more complications. Mostly brought about by hormonal imbalances, which in turn are the body’s controlling switches in regulating organ functions and in controlling the pressures in the arteries where blood passes through.
Hypertension caused by obesity can be traced from a number of reasons but the most glaring suspect is the excessive amount of adipose tissue or fat in the body. This is especially true for people suffering from obesity who are prone to kidney malfunctions as adipose secretes chemicals that may affect the kidney organ negatively. This means successive hormonal imbalances leading to hypertension. Moreover, overweight individuals produce higher amounts of insulin and such excessive production could result to higher blood pressure level.
While obesity is easier to detect as the physical manifestation is more apparent, identifying hypertension is more complicated yet symptoms could very well give some clues, other than the accurate findings of a competent physician. A person experiencing nausea, headaches and chest pains should seek a doctor’s opinion, who in turn would administer at least three blood pressure measurements from different occasions. If the measurements consistently register high readings, hypertension is now more eminent. Severity may still be absent at the initial stage of detection so counter-measures to reverse the condition is the most prominent options for they are quite practical. They can be adopted without medical intervention, too.
Lifestyle change is the key towards radical weight-loss regimens for hypertensive individuals who are also facing obesity. Hypertension is not actually the killer but the host of complications it spawns. Knowing that, the mentality of winning the battle and overcoming both obesity and hypertension should steer more confidence on the part any person afflicted. It is absolutely a winnable fight.
Restrictions and changes of this are the following:
-Regular exercise to shed weight which aids the body to deal with hypertension well.
-Altering the daily diet and gradual tossing out of salt from food intake to keep away from high blood pressure and heart ailments.
-Avoiding too much sugar
-Minimize alcohol, caffeine and nicotine intakes which mean less booze, less coffee and less smoke. But adopting zero level tolerance of the three would raise the chances of dishing the condition.
-Running away from stressful environment to boost the body’s immunity level and increase ability to fight any form of diseases.
-A healthy disposition as armour against the most serious ailment.
The self-help regimens could be supplemented with prescriptions coming from physicians. It is a fact that dealing with obesity is a different case from dealing with hypertension. Most likely, doctors would give interventions separately in order to cure the two conditions yet medicine intakes largely deal with easing hypertensive situation While physical exercises and dietary disciplines are the strongest weapons against obesity.
Medical doctors prescribe anti-hypertensive drugs to decrease a patient’s blood pressure. Common medicines prescribed by doctors are diuretics or drugs that squeeze excess amounts of water and salt from the body. Some medicines are also used to regulate and widen blood vessels also to counter-balance insulin and other substances that send blood pressures running amuck. Doctors may also prescribe drugs that aid blood pumping of the heart when needed.
The success of this program lies in the person dealing with obesity and hypertension himself. The conditions are quite frustrating since any intervention adapted could be a part of a life-long routine that can’t be discarded as the onset of complications might show more dreadful ailments. Thus, battling the conditions head-on is a must to avoid the occurrence of life-threatening situations such as cardiac arrest, kidney failures and strokes. True enough, “Prevention is still the best intervention.”
Saturday, May 21, 2011
To eat raw-the biggest mistake makes retrieving the raw food Diet
I have eaten a mostly live-food/raw food diet for almost 9 years now. I must be honest with you, it has been wonderful and at the same time, a major challenge.
The challenge that came from, how it really works for me and my body. It turns out that the raw foods diet isn't really for everyone. It took me a while to really learn this. Like many others, I identified with being a "raw-foodist".
And that's where I would like to reveal one of the biggest mistakes people make when a raw food diet.
Here it is: you become a "raw Foodist" instead of just eating raw foods.
Let me explain. The main crutch can be seen in the raw food community has nothing to do with mat and everything to do with identity. This is done in much dietary communities. People identify with their diet, and what happens is that their diet becomes a form of religion.
And, of course, just like any religion, if you ask, if you want to try something different, you will be considered if you sin, as if what you're doing is just plain wrong.
I know from experience. If you are reading this article, I just want to point this out so that you do not fall into the trap. Yes, this is a trap. It is a trap that your Ego asks for you. Ego thrives on dom, if you can eat what is best for you at any given moment, label and identity that goes with a diet, you will experience more freedom and inner peace.
Again, the biggest mistake I see people do when eating a raw food diet may be identified with a "raw foodist". I don't want to burst your bubble here, but I can assure you ... it's not who you really are. You are far beyond and before a tag.
This is my call, to be free to be who you really are. Eat what is best for you in right now. Step back from judging as much and simply allow. And if you are criticised ... it means that you are on the right track.)
I hope that this article has been of value to you. If you want more information about this topic and others, you can start by visiting "The high Vibe Life" blog. There you can also sign up to receive a free 45 min recording "7 ways to quickly and easily raise your Vibration". Only go to:
Create a beautiful day!
Joshua BenAvides
"High Vibe coach"
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Eat raw organic food for the ultimate Detox
With a period of detox is an attractive idea, especially after Christmas. If you change your habits and eat raw organic food will lead to a first very satisfactory experience where your body expels mucus while it cleans out your system.
If you suffer from bad breath or have poor digestion or feel constantly tired or carpet, chances are a detox can help.
Detox your digestion
If you are running the marathon, knows you to pack your body with carbohydrates on the night before. Carbo-loading provides a slow release of energy, but it also drains digestion of critical energy needed for the race. It is a balancing act for many athletes and shows the importance of understanding the properties of the food you eat.
A cooked meal can take up to 4 days to melt completely. Digestion can be about 30 times faster, with 20 minutes to 4 hours after you eat raw organic food.
Consider the marathon runner who would have much more energy if it were not diverted away to digest his food. The same is true for you.
Ensure that you eat foods that could be a resolution quickly and can pass through the system, instead of causing stomach pains and constipation. This is like having a mini detoxification. It will increase your energy and help you sleep better.
Detox your cholesterol
Cholesterol is good and bad fats and proteins. In short, you have to cut as much bad fat and protein, while healthy ingestion of good fats and proteins. Fats are bad when they have been cooked and have lost their nutritional value. These include the saturated animal fats and polyunsaturated fats, such as refined cooking oil. A typical American diet is high in bad fats. Protein from meat coat our stomach with fat and cholesterol, which makes absorption difficult and constipates us.
Plant cells contain proteins and their walls are made of fiber. Fiber passes through our system quickly provides us with healthy, regular bowel movements. It is another example of a mini detoxification.
Good fats found in avocados, almonds, Olives, walnuts, flax, hemp, Sesame, sunflower and other seeds. These fats are good to eat and combined in, actually help you lose weight.
Detox your acid-alkaline balance
Many people with acute or chronic diseases have an overly acidic body containing sugar, fat, dairy, confectionery, coffee, tobacco, alcohol and synthetic vitamins. Detoxing means neutralizing the pH of your body. PH measures the acidity, alkalinity. You should eat raw organic food including much fruit and vegetables that are more alkaline providing the detoxing effect.
About the author
Christine Delareya embrace keenly vegan lifestyle and is already feeling more energized. She has been surprised at how easy it is to cook vegan when you know what to buy and where you can get it from.
This is a site that she contributes to that compares the cost and features of the Raw Vegan diet
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Nutrition-how can eat raw foods help you healthier
Personally, I am not a vegetarian and I love all types of food. As regards my health, I have learnt that their are doing and not and you know what, I am the boss in my body. It will do what I say, when I feed it right fuel. I am an energetic person and I think we all should be. Learn to eat is the most important discovery that I made in my life.
Näringslära-how can eat raw foods help you healthier.
By giving you limitless energy.You will feel, live for the first time in years.
It helps you to lose weight permanently and you will be able to see and feel the new quickly. Eating is a big part of our daily activities that we often forget that it is to assume that make us feel better, not worse.
Your skin will look larger and people will notice. Eating raw foods will make your whole to shine from within rather than withdraw. When you get older, you get that feeling that you are not so strong and energetic, is all crap.
My life is full of energy, and since I eat better, I can outperform people half my age. Watching those around you that shows that "hot", ask them what they are eating.
Eat fruits and vegetables every day is what your body needs.Why argue with us, we give our bodies so hard time? Ever considered what would happen if you eat the right foods?
All you need is some coaching and a good tool to refer to. You need constant information so you know what you should know. Learn to trust you more and you will feel better before you know.
Click here to learn more if you seriously want to change your life for the better go to and start changing today.