Monday, February 28, 2011

Raw Food diet-Fight signs of aging by eating Raw Foods

We learn about how a raw food diet can help us to maintain our health and vitality when we grow old. In their day, the Baby boomer generation motto was "Don't trust anyone over thirty," and now, they are all well over thirty! They would, however, continue to remain healthy and age as gracefully as possible. A raw food diet is a major first step in achieving these objectives.

Chemicals from processed foods that are declared dangerous every day, and they should have a cumulative prejudicial effect as we continue to Pour them into our bodies. Things like artificial sweetener cause sensitivity in people-many of us know someone who has terrible headaches if they drink a diet soda. You or someone you know may have an intolerance of another food that can cause problems such as gas, bloating or diarrhoea. However, can change to a raw food diet can cause a number of these problems will disappear. When done right, a good meal plan containing at least 75% raw fruits and vegetables can increase your life expectancy, Supercharge your energy and can also help to prevent diseases such as cancer, hypertension and diabetes.

So, what we mean when we talk about a raw food diet? We all understand the concept of "raw", but the diet itself is more than that. It also means that eat more natural foods-foods that are grown organically and preferably locally. This means consuming very little, if any, meat. definitely no red meat. Certain aquaculture are allowed in some versions of the raw food diet, but beyond that, in essence, it is a vegetarian lifestyle, where at least 75% of the food eaten in its natural raw state. Some items are cooked like barley for example. but you want to eat them most natural. This means that eat whole, unprocessed grains, such as the whole long grain rice instead of white rice processed.

Eat more natural raw foods is a good way to combat the negative signs of aging. Unprocessed fruit and vegetables contain more water and fiber, so that they help us to better maintain a healthy digestive tract and also help us to better stay hydrated. Cooking foods away many of the nutrients, so by eating raw you take in more of the natural vitamins and enzymes in foods-this includes these antioxidants which are known to prevent cancer. By eating raw, organic food you finally avoid preservatives and additives which are so harmful to our health.

Maintain a raw food diet is a good way to protect your health when you get older. If you are looking for more options, you can buy raw foods online. For more information about eating raw foods, visit RawFood4Life .info.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Eating For Energy - Raw Food Diet for Weight Loss

This is the raw food weight loss diet to end all diets! As seen on Tv. Get your affiliate tools here:

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Eating Raw Foods-is the Raw food diet the same as a vegetarian diet?

What is the difference between a raw food diet and a vegetarian diet? Technically speaking, is a 100% raw foods diet, a form of vegetarianism. Vegetarian don't eat meat, fish or poultry. all their food comes from vegetable products, such as vegetables, fruits, pasta and rice. A raw foodist, however, will only eat foods that are not cooked. While vegetarian can eat spaghetti with a cooked tomato sauce, rather than a raw foodist julienned vegetables covered with a tomato paste.

Umbrella with "Vegetarian" encompasses many different groups. The most common is the "Lacto-Ovo"-Vegetarian "abstaining from eating meat, but eat eggs and dairy products. Vegans eat no animal products, to the point that some even refrain from honey. The raw foodist is a type of vegetarian who abstains from eating any animal products and eat only fruit and vegetables in its raw state. Although sushi can be regarded as a raw food, diet eat uncooked fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, seaweeds, etc. While vegetarian eat steamed broccoli, eating raw food purist only raw broccoli-not steamed.

Raw diet advocates support the belief that all foods containing certain enzymes as food "life force", and that any foods provides a perfect blend that helps our body to digest food in a proper manner. It is said that cooking food destroying these enzymes, and force our body to produce its own digestive enzymes, leads to a less efficient digestion. Because food is becoming more difficult to digest, it takes longer and we end with partially digested food-load fats, carbs and proteins-our digestive systems, which can lead to digestive problems.

Raw foodists also believe that cooking food, vitamins and minerals are destroyed by heat. Raw food diet is expected to have many health benefits, including:

Higher levels of energy

Better, healthier skin

improved digestion

weight loss (or easier maintenance of weight)

reduced risk of heart disease

Raw food diet meals is also easy to create, cheaper than many other diet plans, and take less time in the kitchen to cook-they work great for a busy Lifestyle. If you want to know more about raw food diet, visit RawFood4Life .info

Monday, February 21, 2011

Benefits of eating Raw Food

Benefits of eating raw food than cooked food is ridiculously high when you look at the facts. Go to any gym and ask a fitness instructor and they will tell you that you should eat more raw vegetables and fruits. Most, if not all doctors also recommend that you should eat more raw fruits and vegetables as they are the richest source of vitamins, minerals and protein.

Here are some of the most common benefits you get when you take raw:

a. raw food, it is easy to prepare, you need to really do not know how to cook to make some delicious meals for yourself!
b. eat raw vegan food can tremendously help against bodily disorders such as heart problems, asthma, and may also offer better protection against cancer.
c. raw vegan food is also an overnight cure against eating disorders as heart-brännskador, gastritis, constipation and bowel movement rarely. Try this experiment can only eat certain raw foods that are rich in fiber such as apples, bananas or, guavas, definitely you will notice a change in your bowel health during a very short time.
d. raw vegan food diet is a proven way to get your weight. People have seen amazing changes in their bodies after a raw food diet.
e. raw foods have more taste than cooked food.
f. you feel fresh and have much more energy than you.

As you can see, you really have no reason not to take the raw food diet. If you are still unsure whether you are ready, you can first try a 50-50 settings where you can have a diet that consists of 50% cooked foods and 50% of crude. Once you start to have confidence that such a diet is returned only more advantages, you can increase their intake.

Raw food has remained a very underrated but eat raw vegan food is becoming more and more popular these days that it is the most healthiest choice of food available. Raw food is both delicious and incredibly nutritious. Try some raw recipe and see the difference!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Eating for energy-Five Top benefits of eating Raw and Live Foods

If you do not have the energy. feel bloated or tired after eating?

The food you eat has a massive impact on your body's ability to function properly. I'm sure you're familiar with the saying "you are what you eat".

If you are looking for easy ways to increase your energy and feed your soul, can eat more raw and living foods in your daily diet be the answer.

From a nutritional point of view, you need to eat foods that are easy-to-resolution and maintain their "life-giving properties." These foods are known as "Energy consumption".

What is the energy-Rich Foods

1. the energy-rich foods are whole, natural, raw and living foods.

What is Raw Foods

1. raw food is energy-rich foods. They are vegetable foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, grains and beans eaten raw and natural.

2. food shall not be regarded as "raw" where it is heated to over 40-47 degrees C (104-117F.)

3. raw and living foods is juiced, mixed, grated or chopped and dehydrated in contrast to boiling and roasting.

What is "Live Foods"

1. live foods, is beans and grains eaten alive by a process called sprouting. More popular seeds/bean mung bean is sprouted, alfalfa, sunflower, buckwheat, Radish.

Five Top Benefits Of Eating Raw And Live Foods

1. the food aid detoxification and helps you effectively manage your energy and restore health.
2. Raw and living foods are easy to digest.

3. food enzymes are destroyed when the food is heated over 116 degrees.

Raw and living foods is uncooked contains all the enzymes that your body needs. They are known as "Life-Force" or "energies" foods and play a key role in the digestive process, and are necessary for the body's absorption of nutrients.

4. the high level of nutrients contained in raw and living foods contributes to improved physical health and emotional well-being. a stronger immune system, detoxification, higher energy levels.

5. Eating raw and living foods give you more energy. They provide the maximum amount of energy that your body needs with less effort.

The more you look after yourself in your diet and exercise program, the more energy and vitality that you will need to do the activities you like most.

So, if you want to feel energised and experience to "feel-good" factor during the day, try and eat more raw and living foods-energy foods-in your everyday diet.

Ntathu Allen, yoga and meditation teacher working with women who want a richer, more meaningful life for themselves and their families. She teaches easy yoga postures, meditation methods and relaxation techniques to help you live a healthier, richer and happier stress-free life. To find out more go to: and sign up for your copy of Ntathus free monthly yoga Inspires enewsletter. The newsletter contains a gold mine of tips, techniques and strategies that you can use to become healthier, richer and happier.


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Nutiva Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, 15-Ounce Tubs (Pack of 2)

Nutiva Organic  Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, 15-Ounce Tubs (Pack of 2)Nutiva's coconut oil is cold-pressed, organic extra-virgin coconut oil, with its light taste, pleasant aroma, and pure white color, and industrialized coconut oil, with its bland taste, faint aroma, and off-white color. Please note that any tiny brown specks found at the bottom of Nutiva's coconut oil are from the coconut fiber and are indigenous to extra-virgin coconut oil. It is deliciously healthy cooking oil. Better than butter and are USDA organic. Unrefined with no trans fats, rich in lauric acid.

Price: $24.00

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Almond Flour Low-Carb Alternative 248 gr

Almond Flour Low-Carb Alternative 248 grNOW Natural Almond Flour is an unblanched, gluten-free flour that is an excellent low-carb substitute for other flours used in baking, either wholly or in part. This unique flour is not de-fatted, making it a good source of essential fatty acids that naturally occur in raw almonds.

With Almond Flour, you can add color, texture, richness and flavor to your baked goods as well as everyday meals. Use to coat chicken, beef and fish for a delightful and low-glycemic departure from breadcrumbs and white flour.

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Price: $5.49

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Friday, February 11, 2011

Eating Raw Food To Feel Younger

Normally, raw food, something we could spend in each time in a while, so when we have a salad. But eat raw food, one of the healthiest thing you can do to your body. Unprocessed foodstuffs are things such as vegetables, fruit, seeds and nuts.

These foods are great for your body and health and give you everything your body needs to perform at the highest level. Some of the benefits of eating raw food is higher brain functions, heart function, kidney function, and so much more.

This is one of the reasons that experts recommend eating 5 different colored fruits or vegetables per day. Eating raw food drastically reduces the risk of cancer, diabetes, stroke and heart disease. A high level of raw food diet, can actually reduce your cancer risk by 50% or more, and it is huge.

Studies have shown that consume this kind of diet also prevents diabetes and obesity as well. Eating raw foods on a daily basis are computer mag clean and helps keep your colon and digestive tract in good shape.

There are many different ways that you eat foods that these and still feel satisfied. By eating salads which are full of different coloured vegetables and nuts, can you effectively get a large serving of delicious foods. Eating raw foods should become a daily habit you will continue for life.

They will keep you happy and healthy, and the benefits you receive is amazing. Parents should encourage their children from an early age to eat these foods. Doing this helps prevent child obesity and obesity problems that may carry over into their teens and adult years.

If you want to learn more about looking young by eating raw food? Visit Raw Foodist and discover more about a raw Food diet [].

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Raw Milk T-Shirt Food Dark T-Shirt by CafePress

Raw Milk T-Shirt Food Dark T-Shirt by CafePressShow your support of Raw Milk Food Tee, TShirt, Shirt. About our Dark T-Shirt: Look cool without breaking the bank. Our durable, high-quality, pre-shrunk 100% cotton t-shirt is what to wear when you want to go comfortably casual. Preshrunk, durable and guaranteed.5.6 oz. 100% cotton. Standard fit..

Price: $30.00

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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Practical Sushi Recipes Without Raw Fish

Discover Delicious Sushi Recipes Without Any Raw Fish Using The Japanese Orthodox Methods That Will Enable You To Make Your Own Delicious Sushi At Home

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Friday, February 4, 2011

What are the benefits of eating Raw Food?

The concept of eating in its raw form has become popular in recent years. There is a big push from those who believe in a raw food diet correct like some insights that are found on the nutrients contained in food. Why eat food in its natural raw?

When a natural food is in its raw, it still has all its enzymes intact. These enzymes aid in digestion. If the food is heated over approximately 110 degrees, start these enzymes break. When they do the chemical characteristics of the food actually changed. What you get out of a food when it is cooked and when it is in its natural state full of enzymes can be a little different. Eat raw helps get the fuel consumption is supposed to provide.

It is difficult to imagine that a meal can be good with a large amount of raw food, but there are many recipes out there that will emulate popular flavours and dishes of cooked foods. This will give you some ideas to get more of this food in your body.

Some are advocating for a 100% raw diet, but any extra natural foods that you put in your body will benefit because this type of food is healthier than processed foods that are normally higher in fat and sugar.

Certain vegetables is not safe to eat raw. Check if you can eat certain foods in its raw state. You do not want to stop damaging yourself.

Some people have difficulty digesting raw foods. Food can sometimes be steamed as long as they do not exceed 110 degree mark. You can also eat the same food in a different form. If raw broccoli is difficult to digest, consider eating raw broccoli sprouts.

If you want a healthier diet, the aim should be to get more natural foods. If you really need to fix them, it is still better food than processed options.

Henrik has written articles online for almost 2 years now. Not only he is specialised in health and fitness, you can also check out his latest site where you can read about INFRARED patio heater.