Friday, October 22, 2010

With the Mystery of the Raw Food diet

What's all the excitement about raw food Diets? Well if your idea of a good meal, vegetable salad, and you type loaded the sharp structures of fresh fruit and tastiness of nuts, maybe just interested in the advantages of raw foodism lifestyle and health.

Most people who decide to become a "raw foodist" try to ensure that at least 75% of their diet consists of uncooked and unprocessed foods and 25% or less cooked food raw foodist follows a typically 75/25 distribution with relative gusto since faith is that health is linked to greater consumption of raw foods.

The old saying "you are what you eat" has been renewed importance with the raw food movement; Raw foodists believe that eating foods that are untreated or live help to create energy in person swallow food. While consuming cooked or "dead" foods provide less opportunity for the body to absorb nutrients and enzymes that help the body to digest food.

Researchers have confirmed that food cooked over a certain temperature (usually above 112º F) killing enzymes which can help the body with digestion. Accordingly, deem Raw foodists eating raw food helps to increase a person's energy levels and natural vitality.

Think of a header and energy in a seed that causes your head to break out. That growth is caused by liver enzymes in the seed. Only raw food has functional living enzymes found in one seed. To eat food that can free up that kind of energy is a powerful concept that many say pass on significant health benefits including improved digestion, healthier weight levels and reduced risk of heart disease.

Is a raw food diet sustainable?I agree with many health advocates that it is difficult to maintain a raw food diet without any variety or offers from group pre-cooked meals. Meat, eggs, fish and cheese is often difficult diet items to place especially when many of these food groups contain significant nutritional value even in their cooked form.Therefore includes I and many Raw foodists a small percentage of pre-cooked meals in our diet; a typical Raw foodists diet can therefore include a selection of fresh fruit, vegetables, beans, seaweed, nuts, seeds, eggs, fish, meat and un-pasteurized dairy products (e.g., yoghurt and raw milk).

What also makes this "Lifestyle" so appealing is that so many of the available food choices are already known to have significant health benefits; for example, many Raw foodists include chocolate beans in the diet, and these beans are believed to promote a feeling of wellbeing while suppressing appetite-no surprise there; a bit less common food item to win the great popularity of the raw foodist community is Algiers.Algae is rich in minerals, vitamins and a subject that many believe removes toxins from the body.

The nature and degree of health benefits may vary between individuals but there is little dispute about the attributes of the foods that are part of a raw food diet.Large raw food diet contains fewer trans fats and saturated fats than the typical Western diet.

Although some argue that human beings have cooking for the hundreds of thousands of years and our bodies have adapted to the digestive tract of pre-cooked meals, there is consensus that fresh fruit and vegetables provides necessary fibre which ultimately helps the body to better absorb nutrients in our food.

Some interesting cooking techniques can be incorporated to a raw food diet interesting includes juicing fruits and vegetables and mix or pureeing vegetables and herbs to create interesting flavors and recipes.

One of the best ' by-products ' of raw foodism is that it is an environmentally friendly Lifestyle, it is far less wrapping and packaging operations involved in the transport and retail sale of fresh fruit, vegetables, beans and nuts than processed foods. When raw food consumption, health food industry and seeds can go into the compost or can be used in other ways.

For over 20 years, Diana Walker assisted the people you want to use natural, safe options for creating vibrant health and welfare; Get her pearls of wisdom and healthy recipes mini-book through her free newsletter at:

Author of Uncooking shares his personal journey to a Raw Food Lifestyle

In this article, Jameth Sheridan shares on his journey to a raw food lifestyle. Jameth Sheridan is the co-author of Uncooking with Jameth and Kim and the co-founder of the superfoods company HealthForce Nutritionals.

Kevin: Dr. Jameth Sheridan, I want to welcome you to the program. Let's first start with raw foods, because, hey, it's pretty appropriate for this program. Why raw foods for you?

Jameth: I originally got into raw foods for health. I wanted to be as healthy as I possibly could. I started out being a whole-foods vegan, being very athletic prior. Raw foods has had tremendous benefit for me personally in my health. However, there's some concerns about raw foods that, when people go from a regular, conventional diet to a raw food diet, it can be counter-productive in many cases, because they go from Kentucky Fried Chicken and regular pizza, hamburgers and junk, regular junk food, into a raw food diet, and usually someone doesn't go cold turkey forever, they fall back, they do the best they can, you go back and forth. And when they go back and forth, they're eating, and when they binge, they'll be eating cookie dough and Kentucky Fried Chicken and animal products and other things that are absolutely horrible for you, and I see that happen more often than people staying on a 100% raw.

Kevin: So explain that in terms of default. The animal products, like if you don't develop that, right, then you go back to your default, correct?

Jameth: Yes. And it goes on a misconception that a raw food diet, that the benefit of a raw food diet, the single benefit of a raw food diet, and this is what is taught by virtually all raw food teachers, is the fact that it is raw. And that is a major misconception, people get into trouble with that. When you go on a raw food diet, you don't go from cooked Twinkies to raw Twinkies. You don't go from cooked milk to raw milk, you don't go from a cooked piece of animal flesh to a raw piece of animal flesh, that's not the only factor that's changing. It's one of the many. A raw food diet, immediately, you are a vegan. Right away you're a vegan, and just by becoming a vegan you can lower your chances of heart disease, of cancer, of arthritis, of osteoporosis, of kidney disease, so many challenges just alone by becoming a vegan. But in raw foods, there's two categories of food - raw, or cooked. Nothing in between. So it doesn't really matter. If it's cooked, if it's either cookie dough or a vegan bran muffin, it's in the same category, it's just bad for you, in the raw mentality.

Kevin: In the raw mentality, right.

Jameth: Yes. So becoming a raw fooder, all of a sudden you're a vegan, that's a huge, immense increase in your health. You also, almost all raw fooders are focused on eating organic foods, which is another huge benefit to your health. You also become a whole fooder, versus a raw fooder. For example, you can go on a vegan diet and eat white sugar, white flour, and hydrogenated oil and be sick. Be sick, look sick, feel sick. Or you can do things like eat all whole foods, like grains as they come off the stalk. Potatoes, other tubers, fruits and vegetables, even if you're cooking them, it's all whole foods. When you're a raw fooder, for the most part, everything you're eating is the whole food, you're becoming a whole fooder. That is a huge benefit to health. You also tend to eat a different class of foods now, it's not just that you're a whole fooder and a vegan, you're now eating a large percentage of fruits and vegetables. And even if you do that cooked, your health is immensely increased. That's another benefit when you become a raw fooder that tends to be automatic.

Also, when you're eating lots of fruits and vegetables, high water content foods, you're getting much better hydration in your cells. Just hydration alone is an incredible asset to your health. You're also having more chlorophyll, when you're a raw fooder, which is also beneficial. There are so many levels that automatically happen when you become a raw fooder. However, people don't usually recognize that, they just recognize that, "I'm raw", versus "I'm cooked."

Now, I was a whole-food, health-conscious vegan before I got into raw foods. So in the early days when I was experimenting with what worked, and so forth, when I "fell off the wagon" or I was eating too much fruit or other things and I needed to go back to something, I would go back to brown rice or quinoa, or sprouted steam legumes or baked potato or steamed vegetables. And you just can't really get into trouble with steamed vegetables. And many raw fooders will say, "I'm having steamed vegetables, I'm cooking something, I'm evil, I've fallen off the wagon, I'm a loser, I might as well just go ahead and, you know, have a burger. I'll just go to Burger King or McDonalds, because it's all cooked anyway. It's all poison, it's all crap."

Kevin: Yeah.

Jameth: And that dramatic difference is not healthy.

Kevin: It creates neurosis.

Jameth: It creates neurosis, and it creates the all-raw neurosis. When I first, I was 100% raw for three years, I'm not 100% raw right now, haven't been for quite some time, but I'm mostly, depending on the seasons. The first couple of months that I was 100% raw, I was doing a lot of athletics. So I was determined to stay raw at all costs, no matter what. So for the first month, it worked beautifully.. I trimmed down a little bit, I got a little more ripped, got some more veins, which guys really like, it's like "got ripped to shreds." I was doing a lot of athletics, a lot of distance running and weightlifting. I only had a part-time job at that point, so I could spend a lot of time on athletics. I was burning so many calories that I had to eat a huge amount of food per day. And to stay raw, I needed to make a choice because I was starting to get really, really hungry and too thin, so I started eating a lot of dried fruit because I could not eat enough fresh fruit during the day, caloric-wise, to maintain my caloric needs. And that wasn't enough, and I couldn't just eat dried fruit because it starts to feel too sugary, so I started eating nuts and seeds. And I started eating a pretty good quantity of nuts and seeds.

And what I noticed is that by doing that, my teeth started to rot out, I started to have bladder infections from the quantity of fruit, and also I started to break out. Excess oils of any nature tend to make a lot of people break out and I'm included in that group. Now, the oils that I was having in the form of the nuts and seeds were healthy oils, but for acne and breakout, my skin could care less whether it was toxic or not. Other parts of my body did care. And I started actually gaining weight, I started to get a little heavy again, with eating all these nuts and seeds.. And then I found myself saying, "I don't really feel like running or lifting today, I don't really feel like exercising," I got kind of fat and docile, because I was determined to stay raw.

Kevin: Right.

Jameth: And when I went on these really long runs, and I actually did a 33-mile run that particular summer, just preparing for a marathon and some other things, I would crave complex carbohydrates. I would salivate at the thought of having something like a baked potato or quinoa. Because I needed those complex carbohydrates to fill my glycogen back up, and I was able to do it raw, but I did crave those things, and if I had just had a little bit of a baked potato, or a little bit of quinoa, I would not have had, you know, a hundred pounds of nuts. Just a little bit, it's like throwing the baby out with the bath water, but I did, I stayed raw. To my detriment.

Kevin: Right.

Jameth: I could have stayed mostly raw, but I was in that mentality that "if it was raw, it was law," it was the best, period, and that was the main factor, even though I had been a whole food health- conscious vegan.. But I also knew that when I was eating that much fat and sugar from raw, coming off of a whole food vegan program, I thought I felt better on my 40-50% raw whole-food vegan program than I do on this version of a raw diet.

Kevin Gianni the host of Renegade Health Show - a fun and informative daily health show that is changing the perception of health across the world. His is an internationally known health advocate, author, and film consultant. He has helped thousands and thousands of people in over 21 countries though online health teleseminars about abundance optimum health and longevity. He is also the creator and co-author of "The Busy Person's Fitness Solution."

Thursday, October 21, 2010

3 Common Raw Food myths Busted!

When I first got in raw food in 1993, it was not a lot of myths floating around since there were many Raw foodists or raw food philosophy floating around either!

Since then my, how things have changed! There are a number of books, resources, food, theories, promoters, restaurants-you name it, there is more of it!And Yes, finally, this is a great thing ... the only thing that bothers me a little is the myths that are created from thin air and then get passed around like Chinese Whispers and taken as gospel! Because I am eager for people to sign up for a "truth" that is not true, here is my contribution to blow these myths from the water!

Myth # 1: talk about "The" Raw Food diet

The first and most deceptive myth is that there are such things as "a raw food diet"-there's really not. If I were to tell you that I eat "slimming pre-cooked meals" would tell so much? Of course not!I could eat burgers and fries twice a day (which I used to), or I could eat beans and rice with steamed planted (which I changed later to)-apparently very different foods that will affect my health, energy and the body much different-but they are all "cooked".

And so for me to say "I am eating a raw food diet" is the same unhelpful.I was big on green, salads and sprouted foods (which, loosely speaking, ideal in my opinion), or I could eat mostly complex raw gourmet dishes mostly made in the dehydrator followed by raw chocolate cake every evening; Again, very different foods that will lead to different levels of health and vitality-but all raw foods yet.

So, when someone says to you-I know someone who tried raw food diet, but it didn't work for them ", try asking them what exactly the person makes, or eat.I have found that it becomes clear that really most do not know what they do often after a small poll (some of the stories I have heard have been quite frightening!), many people do not eat a sufficiently wide variety of food (or of adequate quality), but in addition, most if not all, have failed to find out and follow the 7 described as I teach my Raw Food for beginners book and classes-why I wrote the book! there is a method of all of this and it pays to learn it-that way success laid down, and when you made it happen for yourself, you know there really is no such thing as a raw food diet, but there are things that your raw food diet!

Myth # 2: "If you Eat Only Raw Food you'll never get Ill"

The second myth who need new is that you eat all raw food you never get sick.This is simply not true, although generally eat lots of first class raw materials, foodstuff actually keep people healthier and more able to shake the things than the average diet.But while the diet is certainly a very important part of the health of the puzzle, step 1 of The 7 steps to Going and staying RAW is to learn, understand and recognize (as discussed in last week's question) to "Going Raw is a whole person."

Eat right (that is, in my view, at least 80% raw vegan) is a brilliant tool for creating amazing health, but if you are overloading or constantly pointed out, if your emotional needs are not met, or if you do not receive sufficient fresh air, water, rest, sleep, sunshine or the exercise of the body is simply not going to be developed as it could because of other important nutrients are missing (kind of food).In fact, stress is more acidic to the body than some of the worst junk food; it can literally poison the system, regardless of how well you can eat.So yes, when you take raw, you will need to be watching for more than just what you eat-you will need to take good care of yourself across the Board and feeding yourself optimally on all levels-but that is a good thing, right?

Myth # 3: "You Have go 100% RAW to Be Your Best"

The third and last myth that I really want to bust is going raw must be all or nothing; no, not at all; over the years, I have been on all places the dietary exposure to the spectrum, from eat all the junk and lots of meat to all raw vegan and everywhere in between; these days, I eat pretty much 100% raw vegan all the time (there are a few exceptions, but this is a very rare event), but it is simply because I feel and see my best when I do-but I do not treat eating raw as a religion. When eating raw becomes a "must do" rather than a "want", that's when it starts to become unhealthy. as is clear on your values and your great why the core of your eating habits will ensure that you keep your emotional energy high which will help you to eat more raw and feel happy with it-but what level you choose to go to is very personal to you and can and probably will change the ongoingly you and your diet developed. the main criteria for all this is that you are happy with what you're doing, and is consistently feel better in every way, otherwise why would you do it?

(c) 2008 Karen Knowler

About the author: Karen Knowler, The Raw Food Coach publishes "Raw"-a free weekly eZine for raw food lovers everywhere, if you are ready to look good, feel great and create a life you love raw claim your free tips, tools and recipes now on

Rushing Waters Trout Farm

by Ashley Heaton, October 2009 | Permalink | Email this

Running Waters Trout Farm
Palmira, WI

Agriculture is not only a Monday to Friday job – is an every day, each hour work – especially when your goal is the trout of highest quality, freshest available. Over the years, his philosophy has changed: quality over quantity. In fact, the farm was chemical free since 1999. The lack of harmful chemicals improve not only the quality of your fish, but also of the water and the Earth. Running Waters hatches their rainbow trout egg and puts them up one pound for harvesting on site.Since all their filleting and smoking is done internally in the farm, fish are cut to order and delivered on the same day. people are encouraged to visit the farm, fish for their own trout and most importantly, learn how works the rush of the waters. After all, it is important to waters rush that people see where does your food.Learn more about rushing Waters Trout Farm in this short video.

Do not live close enough to experience its trout for yourself?We have local suppliers across the country offering excellent products like this. check if your local store for what's available in your neck of the Woods.

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The great Garbanzo

Did you know that the beans are one of the oldest cultivated crops around? According to some reports, 7500 year-old remains of this big bean were found in the Middle East – they are old! They are also an excellent source of vegetable protein and fiber quality. And they are cheap, nutritionally dense and very versatile. In fact, this favorite is so super-versatile and "exotic" that could become your ancestors, its snack, dessert or even their pancakes! This, my friends, is the great GARBANZO!

Call it a chickpea or call it a garbanzo bean, is the same thing. For me, the grain always conjure memories of my time in India wonderful tasting, exotic dishes specially prepared from various regions. Many of these delicacies were made of grass flour or meal Besan – which are made of Earth garbanzo beans. In fact, I was in heaven garbanzo everytime I bit into a Besan Ladoo, a sweet treat made with garbanzo bean flour and spices like cardamom. No wonder India is the world's leading producer of garbanzo beans, followed by Pakistan and Turkey.These days, you will find gluten-free products – everything from biscuits pancakes – often contain garbanzo bean flour. This adds protein and versatility.

When you add these grain delicious menu, you'll be getting a good bang for your buck! Just a cup of cooked grain has:

8% of your daily calcium needs26% of your daily iron needs12 grams of fiberJust 4 grams of fatAnd 15 grams of protein big

Can't beat that! Sweet and smooth taste, will increase to almost any favorite dish. Let's start with what I call "The Great" Garbanzo Garnish. Be generous!

Garnish green leaves with lots of salads these beans. Garnish soups, stews and e.g. casseroles. Garnish hot beans cooked dishes. Garnish sautéed veggie dishes. Garnish toasted pita bread. Garnish tortillas pizza. Garnish warmed – and be sure to add a bit of cheese and tomato, maybe a little avocado. tomato sliced Garnish; great with fresh cheese and olive oil.

While canned bean is easy to use, you can also cook up a fresh pot yourself. start by soaking the seeds overnight. Discard the water immersion, fill the pot with water and simmer until tender, about 1 ½ to 2 hours.For flavor, add some chopped onions and garlic.Be sure to cook until tender; drain and keep them handy on the fridge, ready for use.

Here are more great ways to glorify the nozzle:

In case you're curious, here is a recipe for Besan Ladoos.

Have a hankering for grain? have a favorite recipe? I'd love to hear!

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Can you manage a Raw Food diet?

It was a long time ago not to raw food bars were in fashion. If you don't eat your raw food, you thought not in with THE crowd and you were of the loop in healthy anger. There are still some raw food bars around but quite a lot of fad has died and, I believe, with good reason.

Many of my patients ask me about the health benefits of eating raw food and I agree there are certain foods that are eaten raw, for the benefit of certain in the case and some never would I recommend without cooking; In case you were wondering if it is more advantageous to eat all your raw food, here are some advantages and disadvantages to consider.

What's so great about Raw Food?

To start with, raw foodstuffs which have not been heated above 118 degrees; It is reported by raw food enthusiasts to temperatures above that kill the natural enzymes present in food and make it more difficult for the body to digest them; it is true, that your body needs special enzymes to digest your food.When we get older reduces these enzymes and does the job of melting, and which can provide us with constipation and is missing a lot of nutrients from our food.

Now, there are a couple of large, high vitamins and minerals, fiber-filled foods recommended for raw food diet program that is all you should include in a healthy diet, however, They include such foodstuffs; such as vegetables, fruits, legumes, seeds and juice as well as monounsaturated fats from olive, avocado, coconut and nuts as you can see, there is usually a vegetarian diet, but people who practice a raw diet exclusively says, there are many advantages:

Lower cholesterol.
Lower/stable blood sugar.
Lower blood pressure (from reduced sodium intake).
Can prevent stomach and oral cancer (too cooked, barbecued food suspect).
High in fiber, helps maintain good intestinal health and blood sugar levels.
Boosts the immune system from glycosides higher in raw food.
Avoidance of wheat, dairy products, sugar, alcohol and table salt can help certain allergies and helps the body Detox yourself.
Clearer skin.
Weight loss.

What is not so great on the Raw Food diet

In its purest form, Lifestyle diet raw food is usually a vegetarian diet, I am concerned about vitamin deficiencies, in particular deficiencies in B12, which is common in Vegetarian diet; this lack can lead to anemia and conditions of the nervous system, as well as neurological disorders of cognition problems and dementia; The best sources of B12 is from red meat, and secondly, chicken, fish, wheat germ.

Furthermore, heating is not food earlier 118 degrees can food borne pathogens stay intact and can lead to serious diseases; Take eggs for example.Many of my patients brag about how they put a raw egg in a mixer with juice, etc., and drink it all down In cringe. and then tell them they are lucky they dodged a bullet, salmonella but not always, as eggs can be carriers of bacteria.

Depending on how strictly you work in a raw food diet, you can also include certain fish (sushi, etc), red meat and milk (non-pasteurized, non-homogenized only); add the meat and fish work better from a nutritional point of view, but from a food borne pathogen perspective may mean some serious problems.Both fish and meat can carry bacteria, such as salmonella and other; If you have ever suffered a salmonella food poisoning event you do not want to go there again; they can also carry viruses and parasites.Non-pasteurized milk can also carry out Mycobacterium bovis can cause non-pulmonary tuberculosis type. in short, these raw foods may result in some serious illnesses that you do not want to expose you for.

And if vitamin deficiencies and food borne pathogens are not enough to scare you away from a raw food
diet, some raw foods included in natural and uncooked, many of which can be toxic.
The following is a brief list of these foods:

broad beans and sprouts contain chemicals called phytohemaglutinin, which can be toxic.
Lutheran sprouts contain canavanine.
Apricot kernels-containing amygdalin, raw cyanide.
Buckwheat Greens are toxic if raw. they can trigger photosensivity.
Parsnips-raw, contains furanocoumarin, which can be toxic.

Time can also be a factor in not to choose a raw diet; because it is mostly all raw food, it takes a lot of time on buying and processing, which freshness would be of the utmost importance.

Comfort can be another negative, because it would make it difficult to go out to eat, get used to it, are also can be difficult for people who have eaten meat, sugar, salt and alcohol throughout their lifetime to switch to a raw diet.

There is a healthy way To Eat Raw Foods?

The answer to this question depends on who you ask, mostly, but also many raw food enthusiasts say that the ideal raw diet is 75% of crude and 25% cooked, and if I were to "go native" this is the way I would probably do it together.

Twenty-five percent of your diet raw can be cooked meat, fish or eggs, but I would like to add a good digestive enzymes to digest these proteins, especially if you are over 40 years.
The other 75% could consist of raw vegetables steamed just enough to soften them up and bring their taste; Raw fruit and nuts are always great in its natural form and I wholeheartedly recommend eating several portions of these vitamins and fibre-rich foods every day.
drink which is always half your weight in clean, filtered water a day to flush toxins from your body.

This is what I tell my patients ask about health benefits of a raw food diet; there are many positive elements involved, such as eating vegetables, fruits and nuts and staying away from sugar and alcohol and processed foods are healthy changes anyone can incorporate in their diet, regardless of whether it is quite raw or not; in order to avoid serious illness but, stay away from sushi and steak tartare unless you really can guarantee where they came from and handled them.

Dem Rosenberg, M.D.
The Institute for healthy aging

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Harvesting Mystery Pumpkins

by James Parker, September 28, 2009 | Permalink | Email this

September is a month of overlap in the world of vegetables.Tomatoes, squash, corn and other summer vegetables are still available in abundance and while most of these are still very good, the cool fall nights and mornings crisp bring with them that tug family in my belly for the Greens robust and roots of downfall. return of harvest moon also marks the onset of winter squashes and pumpkins in conjunction with the event gateway of the holiday season — Halloween!

Our global production purchase Office, this is a delicate moment like buying overlaps between our local and regional producers and much larger domestic producers. As it is practically impossible to identify the exact final season place across the country, our task is to make sure that our Office is willing to support each region during the cold winter months.

At home, the fall garden harvest was a great disappointment. The phenomenon of spring and summer rains that brought exuberant initial growth of the plant for my bed of mystery pumpkin also brought mildew that stole my vineyard and productivity end of the summer. Many of first squashes and pumpkins were affected as well, with growth stunted or dropping completely outside the vineyard which is bad news for me is a great news for producers of pumpkin and salespeople in the area — it is impossible for me to walk by a pumpkin display without buying something.

Food falling for me is all about vegetables (lettuce and cooking), soups and stews. The combination of Tomato-Cucumber-corn that sustained my family during the summer months will still happen occasionally since October tends to be very soft in my area of the USA, but lettuce salads, Sautéed Greens with rice and a wide variety of soups and stews start working its way into my menu downloads.

One of the most dramatic changes, see this time of year is in color — and not only changes in leaf color in our trees.Cold nights in the field have a dramatic effect on the color, flavor and texture of most line green vegetables.Lettuce and Greens like cabbage cooking tend to grow more slowly and developing a taste sweeter, stronger. leaf structure also tends to be denser – making the lettuce crisper and more fully formed.The color change, however, is by far the most notable — the reds are deeper and dark green.

Outside my very real obsession with sculpture virtually all types of squash and pumpkin, I'm always eager to fall and the changes it brings to the colors and around my house and my diet I don't carve pumpkins so many this year as last (would broke — I have 80 113 recorded last year out of my garden) but I will serve the chipotle chicken cooked, crusty bread, salad of Red leaves butter and copious wine bottles to all my family and friends who come to laugh at all children that come by costumed. so long summer, fall of good welcome.

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Fall into Organics: red grapes

by Carol Medeiros, September 29, 2009 | Permalink | Email this

We love organic products.And this fall, we are celebrating some of our favorite picks. biological fall Here is the first: red grapes!

Our organic grapes are grown in Coachella and San Joaquin valleys in Southern California, a region growing perfect with its combination of deep, fertile soil and abundant sunshine.Late summer/early fall is the ideal time to enjoy grapes since the long days and warm growing bring out their full flavor.

When you buy organic products, you directly help create a demand for food and agriculture practices that have your health and our natural resources in the heart. Demonstrate our passion for organic substances through our support of farmers who are committed to good health, quality food and sustainable agriculture practices.

Although we have a long list of organic producers that love, here is just one that we want to thank celebrate this favorite fall.Thank you, Sunview, for the fantastic organic red grapes that enjoy!

Sunview is based in Delano, CA, with farms throughout the southern San Joaquin Valley. founded by Marko Zaninovich who emigrated from Yugoslavia to the United States, the company has been in business for over 60 years.Sunview produces organic Red seedless grapes, green certified organic since 1989. Marko grandchildren, Andrew and Morgan are taking the tradition of agriculture today.

If used in a recipe or appreciated directly out of the group, don't miss out on this sweet treat, seedless. here are some recipes to try:

Have a favorite way to enjoy red grapes organic? We would love to hear!

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Monday, October 18, 2010

Raw Food Chicago-resources for eating a Raw Food diet in Chicago

Where to find Raw Food in Chicago

If you're looking for raw food in Chicago, is one of the best places to buy whole food 's market. Whole food 's is the largest (and most popular) organic food.There are three whole food 's shops in Chicago--one in Gold Coast, another in Lake View, and third in Lincoln Park, Chicago also has a number of independently-owned natural food stores including Newleaf Natural food business and true natural Foods.

How to buy Raw food-Fresh from your local farmer

You can also buy fresh food from local farmers through a program called a CSA. CSA stands for "Community supported agriculture."When you join a CSA, you will receive a box of fresh produce every week from local farmers. Local CSA's in the Chicago/Oak Park includes: Sandhill Organics, Kings Hill Farm, family Farms and Growing Home. Find a CSA near you, there are local Harvest site.

Another major source of raw food is the local agricultural markets. To find organic products at Chicago farmers ' markets, you need to ask around. Most quality is increased conventional.

Raw Food restaurants in Chicago

Over the past 5 years, has more raw food restaurants have opened their doors, as consumers seeking healthier alternatives to destructive American diet of processed foods and superfluous fat.Raw food restaurants is a great way to eat healthy when you travel.Chicago has three raw food restaurants to enjoy; For more information about Chicago raw food restaurants, don't forget to grab The Raw Food Restaurant Guide.

Raw Food Support Groups in Chicago

The best way to succeed in a raw food diet is to have people who encourage and support you. Chicago is fortunate to have several raw food support groups; One is "Raw food" Chicago "and this group maintains a site on the net, you can also join The Chicago Raw Food Meetup Group, which has 455 members and meets once a month to talk and eat together.

Regardless of what you, try to incorporate more raw foods in your diet, your body will thank you!

Emily Rutherford has to eat a raw vegan diet since 2003, She publishes The Raw Food Restaurant Guide, which includes updated listings raw food restaurants worldwide, as well as where to buy organic products when you travel, you can capture your free copy, visit The Raw Food Restaurant Guide.

Welcome Fall With The Whole Deal

by value guru, September 29, 2009 | Permalink | Email this

Welcome to issue October/November, the entire business. We're "fall" all we offer you the best of autumn on a budget. In this installment, you'll find another $ 47 + coupons online and in print in the shop tab. Furthermore, there are 12 new recipes for Thanksgiving and for every day, less than $ 4 per serving, simple meal plans for 4 (1 or 2) on a budget, three of our favorites for $ 2.99 or fewer – three at $ 3, and a new selection of clear Deal products that are perfect for the season.

Speaking of new season … nothing heralds the beginning of the Autumn as the smell (and like!) of warm-of-the-oven baked goods.If you're itching back to cooking after a long summer vacation from oven or you want to hone their skills before for the holiday rush, here are five tips for baking savings that will keep your budget to get burned.

Get quality in a value with 365 Everyday value natural biological sources and yeast (flour, sugar, butter, vanilla, etc). best ingredients = best cooking and "365" helps you buy them. Bake in large batches, take advantage of mass or sales prices and make the most of your time then involving your roasts firmly and store in the freezer. Our Apple almond bread is a good choice make-ahead.Give kindness because food homemade gifts are not only easy on your pocket book, they are personal and people remember wonderful aromas and flavors for years!Learn to adjust its recipe (or choose another) to take advantage of any nuts, dried fruits or fresh ingredients are at the best price at that time.Buy only what you need our volume trays and containers so that you don't waste flour, sugar, nuts, dried fruit … even herbs and spices!(Tip: Ask lend a measuring cup or spoon in the store.)

Do you have any tips for cooking on a budget? we would love to hear them!

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Eating Raw Foods makes Sense in the North?

Have you bought the idea that a raw food diet is the ultimate, the most logical, best diet for all people, regardless of where they live in the world? (Like eskimos eat Watermelon ...)

It seems to me that it is implicit the idea conveyed by many Raw-foodists, raw food website, books, and seminars.

The idea is:

Raw food is well cooked food is Evil and the world would be a better place if everyone Ate only Raw Foods

OK, I exaggerate, but often is the general tone of many of the raw food experts message.

Is it really true?

Would it be possible that the resources required for the transport of these foods would actually make the raw food diet rather unecological, consider eating a diet of bananas and mangoes in Northern Canada is not the most natural choice?

How much food you need as a 100% raw food eaters?

It is quite well known to anyone decide to eat only raw foods in a sustainable way (for health), eat a huge amount of fresh fruits and vegetables.

In order to get enough calories from fruit and vegetables, without using too much raw fat (to the detriment of health), is this the average amount of food needed:

For the 2000 calorie diet: 10 pounds per day (with the health food industry and all)
3000-calorie diet: 15 pounds per day (with the health food industry and all)

I on the basis of average consumption in most 100% Raw foodists go through in a typical day (those who are not on a detox program!) these figures.

So, in principle, 70 to over 100 kilos of food per week!

There is a lot.

Where does your food from?

If we want to get a more accurate picture of the ecological effects to eat a large quantity of imported fruits could be compared to a smaller quantity of local cooked, animals or grain foods, we would need to analyze a set of variables; I have not been able to get an accurate estimate of the data that is available.

But just to know that most of the imported fruit comes from quite far away, and that large quantities are necessary on diet completely raw food, I can draw the obvious conclusion that eating this way is not necessarily the most logical, natural and organic selections.

Consider that:

-Grapes from Chile trip at least 4000 miles can get you

Bananas from Costa Rica travel 200 miles or more to get you

-Mango from Mexico at least 1000 miles, you can download

-And so on ...

All the fossil fuels used to transport all of these food leaves a power, which can offset or even prevent the possible environmental benefits of choosing a raw vegan diet (which requires fewer resources when manufactured locally), compared with a local diet that would contain both raw, cooked, facility and possibly even animal foods.

It has always been obvious to me that a diet of all raw foods in Canada are less useful on many levels to a incorporating some cooked food, more local foods and fewer imported fruits.

There is also the fact that these fruits are picked unripe, in many cases, acidity is too high and nutrients for low level.

So is the solution for all raw food enthusiasts to move to the tropics? absolutely not!

My score is:

-There is no need to demonize pre-cooked meals-a diet containing both raw and cooked food makes much sense on many levels.You don't need to eat 100% raw; This is really a personal choice based on your health, your location and your wishes.

-A raw food diet can be unnatural-eating 100% raw foods of the North can be unnatural and unsustainable; And many more reasons I could expand in future articles, it is certainly not a solution that can be proposed to the whole world!

-If you live in the North, follow the seasons-many people, when summer is approaching, have a desire to include more raw foods in the diet; But in the winter, instead of to freeze to death, they choose to incorporate more raw, cooked foods. it is perfectly fine, natural and even desirable for most.

Here is a list of some additional tips for you to eat more organic and sustainable manner, while incorporating more raw fruits and vegetables in your diet, regardless of where you live:

1-Freezing Berries and other fruit in Season-berries are some of the most nutrient-rich antioxidant-packed foods you can eat. in order to avoid the consumption of too many imported food in the winter, I encourage you to freeze an enormous quantity of mature, locally, organically grown (or wild) berries in season. personally I freezes a lot of wild Blueberries, which are local; Use them during the winter in your recipe, you can Thaw them in advance to avoid the negative effects of consuming cold foods.

2 cultivation of cabbage, Grow some fresh, toxin-free sprouts such as clover and sunflower Greens, and delivery of cheap, fresh, local vegetables in winter!

3 Avoid of Season Fruits-some fruits can be available in your store, but may actually be the final season on your hemisphere in the world; if you live in North America, finishing the season for grapes, usually in september or October. Grapes during the winter of imported from the countries situated in the opposite hemisphere, Chile, where the seasons are reversed. avoid! learn seasons of different fruits and vegetables and choose to avoid food imported from distant places.

4 Make various salads and Vegetable Dishes in Winter-In one of my recipe books, I offer a variety of salads and dressings, depending on the season; in the winter, I recommend salads with cabbage, carrots and other root vegetables; in the summer I incorporate more lettuce, tomatoes and vegetables, you should do the same.

5 Shun exotic fruits-exotic fruits such as durian, Thai Coconuts and Lychees might want to try, but they inevitably come from distant countries like Thailand. in addition to leaving a significant ecological impact of imported from so far, they are also heavily sprayed with toxic chemicals; Durians are particularly notorious for this; try them in the game, but stick to fruits and vegetables as local as possible-at least from anywhere you could run into.

Finally, I would like to encourage you to continue to make the best choice for your health; Sometimes, it can sometimes mean:

-Eat fresher, locally grown commercially foods instead of less fresh, imported organic food

-Eat ripe, local commercial foods instead of immature, imported organic food

And eat some cooked, hot "local" food instead of just calling imported fruits

Lookt at the true impact of your own choices, and realize that there are not one size fits all.

Frederic Patenaude is the author of the book "The Raw Secrets" and offers a free subscription for their ezine "Outrageous Health & Success" can be found at

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Grameen America

Katherine Rosenberg is the Director of education and assessment in America of Grameen in New York. Whole planet Foundation microfinance funds in communities where the Whole Foods Market sources of products.

Muhammad Yunus, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize winner and founder of Grameen Bank acknowledged that while New York City was the capital of the banking system, he also conducted one of the most significant disparities between rich and poor.In 2008, he opened the doors of Grameen America, a replication of the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh. Whole planet Foundation was one of the supporters of Grameen loan of America in New York City, providing a grant of $ 150000 over three years to support low-income entrepreneurs in Queens, New York.

We discovered quickly that low-income individuals in greater NYC area needed and wanted commercial loans but do not have access to affordable credit or a bank account; these people are creative and hard working; access to needed resources to make your business a success. After Queens branch of America Grameen was established was only a matter of time before microcredit could help women like Nicole achieve their dreams!

Nicole used her first loan to buy a portable equipment to make the Southern-inspired cuisine at festivals and fairs around the city of New York. Slowly, she expanded through subsequent access to loans. She now has a catering company with multiple employees and even enlists the help of his family to large events."Every bit counts" says Nicole.

As Nicole, Mariana also saw your business grow through access to microcredit America Grameen. She sells pineapples, mangoes and melons with a variety of toppings of your trolley in upper Manhattan and used your loan to increase your inventory.Business increased significantly to Mariana, you want to open a shop with subsequent loans of Grameen America.

To date we have helped more than 4000 aspiring entrepreneurs in New York and Omaha, Nebraska to start a business, opening a savings account and build your credit score. we are working to open additional offices in locations such as San Francisco and eager for greater support of Whole Foods Market in Northern California.

Appointment of Whole Foods Market public awareness about and for funds, Grameen America was impressive. to complement grants from the foundation of the entire planet, its stores of NYC held a 5% Day in 2009, which raised $ 44000 to finance microcredit programs in Queens and week Whole Foods Market supported week 2 of America annual Grameen donating banana splits Grameen America staff to hand out in each of the shops of NYC, awareness during his 30th birthday bash. we really appreciate the consistent support of Whole Foods Market for the poor in their local communities. thanks a lot, Whole Foods Market!

Comments are moderated and generally will be posted if they are on topic and not abusive. for more information, see our Guidelines of posting comment. If you have a storage-specific inquiry, please contact your shop local.

View the original article here

Raw Food diet-can it be another unexplained reason for infertility?

I. What is a raw food diet?

The raw food diet is defined as a type of diet of which at least 75% of the daily diet must be unprocessed and uncooked foods or foods can not be heating above 115 degree of Fahrenheit or 40 °C , including fresh fruit and vegetables and raw meats. It believes that the more raw food in your diet, the more healthy you are. While there are many benefits for people eating raw, such as increasing energy for our daily activity, improving skin appearance, assisting digestive process, stability weight loss with no risk of weight re-gaining, reducing the risk of heart and chronic diseases, because the diet contains high in trace minerals, essential vitamins, fiber and phytochemicals and less harmful substances, such as trans fat, saturated fat and salt, but it interferes with the natural process of human being over thousand years of eating cooked foods, such as smaller jaws and teeth , shrinking stomachs have shrunk, and longer small intestines and lengthening the digestive surface area.

Some alternative medicine, such as Ayurveda, and traditional Chinese medicine suggested that a raw-only diet may not be appropriate for people living in colder climates, because in order to fight off the constant cold or Prolong periods of eating raw foods deplete the yang qi in the body. Since most raw foods eaten in typical American raw food diet are cold, they will decrease the yang qi even further, leading to colding affects in our body, resulting in certain kinds of diseases, including blood stagnation and kidney yang deficiency, causing infertility in some severe cases.

II. What is Fertility and Infertility and the explained causes of infertility

A. Fertility

Fertility is a natural process to insure the survival of human species. Through natural selection, we produce many offspring when the reproductive system works at it's peak in a suitable environment with plenty foods around. On the other hand, the reductive system may completely shut down or work at its minimum state and we produce less offspring, when the environment is hostile including less foods around, war, epidemic, etc. but regardless any situation. most women are capable to conceive sometimes before menopause.

B. Infertility

Infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse. It affects over 5 million couples alone in the U. S. and many times more in the world. Because of an unawareness of treatments, only 10% seek help from professional specialists. In fact, about 35% of infertility is caused by the male's inability to fertilize. 35% is caused by the female's inability to conceive, 10% attributes to both, and 10 % is considered a failure with an unknown cause.

C. The unexplained causes of infertility

The Unexplained cause of infertility is defined as a condition of a healthy couple who have found no reproductive structure or medical problems, but for whatever reason, the female partner is unable to get pregnant, and modern technologies and doctors in conventional medicine fail to find the causes of infertility.

According to conventional medicine, a couple are diagnosed with explained causes of infertility can have children by going through the process of artificial insemination or other options such as adoption, or subrogation. Some women may seek help from traditional medicine, because of cost effectiveness or believing that traditional medicine can offer a more natural birth.

III. Before proceeding further, let us take a look of:

What is a menstrual cycle?

The menstrual cycle begins when the level of estrogen starts to rise. At certain point, the brain stimulates hypothalamus to produce Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (FSH) which in turn stimulates the pituitary gland to produce the Follicle stimulating hormone, leading to initiating the growth and recruitment of immature Ovarian follicles in the ovary. At its peak, the pituitary gland switch to produce luteinizing hormone (LH), the FSH starts to decline which stimulates the mature of follicle and the production of estradiol and thicken of the uterus lining as well as promoting friendly cervical mucus, triggering ovulation, resulting in extruding egg from the ovary into the Fallopian tube and initiating the conversion of the residual follicle into a corpus luteum. The corpus luteum in turn produces progesterone in preparing the uterus lining for a possible egg implantation. If pregnancy does not occur, hormone levels plumped, and the thickened uterus limning is shed through the vaginal canal.

There are many thing involved to make the cycle regularly, but unfortunately any disruption may cause irregular menstruation and sometimes interferes the natural process of fertility.

IV. How raw food diet affects fertility in TCM perspective

While conventional medicine have never viewed irregular menstruation seriously, traditional Chinese medicine view irregular menstrual period as a tiny micro change in the female ecosystem. If not treat, it will interfere with the normal process of fertility and other women health's diseases such as nervous tension menstrual pain and cramps etc. Especially if you are diagnosed with the unexplained causes of infertility with irregular period, then your menstrual cycle may be the causes.

V. How to treat raw food diet causes of infertility in traditional Chinese perspective

A. Understand the food classification in TCM perspective

By diagnosis the underlying causes and treating each woman as an unique entity and the body as a whole. Depending in what have been diagnosed, you may be given advice not to eat some kinds of food which may interfere the normal menstrual cycle and dampen your chance of fertility.

1. Cold

Cold foods in traditional Chinese medicine are considered as a type of food which may stimulate the colding effects in your body and deplete the yang qi as resulting of our body needs to counter the cold with yang qi in the body. Prolong period of taking these kinds of food without balancing them with other warm, cooked or hot foods may cause yang qi and kidney yang deficiency, resulting in interfering with normal function of the reproductive organ and leading to irregular period. For women who try to conceive should avoid to eat these types of raw foods or counter them with at least same amount of hot foods.

a) Bamboo
b) Banana
c) Grape fruit
d) Clams
e) Seaweed
f) Watermelon
g) Bitter melon
h) Etc.

2. Cool

Same as cold food, but they are not as strong. It also depletes the yang qi but moderately, therefore eating these types of foods should counter with some warm food to avoid yang qi and kidney yang deficiency. Women who have irregular period and try to get pregnancy are advised to eat only moderate amounts and for nutrients only. Otherwise, they may dampen the chance of fertility.

a) Apple
b) Lecture
c) Cucumber
d) Pear
e) Spinach
f) Strawberry
g) Tomato
h) Etc.

3. Neutral

Although neutral foods are types of food which have no effects in ying and yang qi in the body, but it may have other side effect such as rice, gain and potato which may interfere with insulin production of the spleen as well as liver function in carbohydrate metabolism.

a) Apricot
b) Beet
c) All kinds of red meat
d) Celery
e) Honey
f) Rice
g) Bread
h) Etc.

4. Warm

Warm foods are considered as food with warming effects in the body. It is most important foods which are used most often for pregnant women as they can help to warm the uterus and maintain the healthy pregnancy and protect against miscarriage. Warm foods increase your body temperature and yang qi slightly.

a) Black tea
b) Cherry
c) Chive
d) Leek
e) Peach
f) Raspberry
g Chicken
h.) Etc.

5. Hot

Foods with hot nature are normally good for improving immune system in fighting against forming of free radicals, bacteria and virus and increasing blood flow to the body, including the reproductive organs, but over eating these types of food may cause yin qi and kidney yin deficiency leading to hormone imbalance and interfering with natural process of normal menstrual cycle.

a) Garlic
b) Ginger
c) Pepper
d) Onion
e) Green onion
f) Cinnamon powder
g) Etc.

Finally, we would like you to know that most foods with bitter, sour and salty are classified as yin and hot and sweet are classified as yang.

B. How raw food diet causes infertility

Most raw foods can be either yang or yin pathogens. A typical American raw food diet is most yin and dampness pathogens.

1. Colding and cooling effects

Spleen is important to break down the food and transform them to energy for our body's daily activity. Too much raw foods weaken and slow the digestive system, leading to nutrients deficiency, including the following:

a) Fatigue, tiredness and sluggishness
b) Nervous tension
c) Bloating and gas
d) Unclear thinking
e) Cloudy urine
f) Etc.

Typical raw foods diet puts more strain on the digestion. If spleen is damaged caused by prolong intake of raw food, it may weaken the digestive system in absorbing of nutrients, leading to less efficient assimilation of nutrients. In fact, traditional Chinese medicine view the process of transformation of foods and transportation of nutrients are a warm process in nature, and raw foods are more cold in nature, After entering the stomach, our body need to raise temperature before the food can be digested and absorbed.

2. Dampness affects

Raw foods interfere with the spleen in controlling the internal dampness caused by impairment of water metabolism within the body or spleen damage due to prolong in take of raw dampness hot foods, leading to impairing the spleen yang and the development of interior damp-cold, resulting in qi and blood stagnation, leading to delay menstruation and menstrual pain and cramps. Raw foods cause dampen effect including the following:

a) Milk products
b) Celery,
c) Lettuce, alfalfa,
d) Raw honey
e) Corn.
f) Sage,
g) Parsley
h) Onion
i) Etc.

And the symptoms include
a) Fatigue,
b) Reduced appetite
c) Abdominal bloating and discomfort
d) Other related spleen deficiency symptoms

3. Kidney yin deficiency

Kidney yin also known primordial yin or true yin , is defined as the foundation of the yin fluid of the body, therefore it helps to moisten, nourish the organs and tissues and maintain the body fluid balance with fire of kidney yang. Raw foods are yin in nature, prolong intake of may decrease the yang qi in the kidney, leading to fluid imbalance, resulting in irregular menstruation and in serve case, causing infertility.

a) Lack of energy

Deficiency of kidney yin causes inability of kidney in stabilization of energy, leading to abnormal flow of energy, disrupting the blood flow to the body organs including ovaries in egg production resulting in distorting the normal menstrual cycle in women, leading to irregular period.

b) Blood Flow

Deficiency of kidney yin also increases the risk of irregular blood flow as the heart must work harder to provide more energy to our body, leading to abnormal function of capillaries and interrupting the normal function of small veins in the nervous system, causing dizziness, hearing problems and ringing in the ear. It also causes abnormal blood flow to the reproductive organs, distorting the menstrual cycle.

c) Digestive system

It also causes abnormal digestive system due to spleen function in absorbing vital vitamins and mineral as a result of lack of fluid which is necessary for digestive system in stomach acid secretion, leading to constipation and abnormal pain.

d) Burning sensation

People with kidney yin deficiency feel burning sensation not only in the body including the chest, but also see bright yellow color in their urine, leading to oxidative and kidney damage. If the problem is not treated, it may disrupt natural process of normal menstrual cycle.

e) High temperature

It also increases the body temperature that interferes with egg, cervical mucus production.

4. Blood deficiency

Blood deficiency is defined as not enough blood to distribute to our body organs needs. Tradition Chinese medicine view blood deficiency is caused by weakened liver organ as resulting of a weaken spleen due to prolong period intake of raw foods, thereby reducing the liver function in blood formation, causing not enough blood to distribute to the body such as absence of (no blood for) menstruation or scanty menstruation.. It also leads to abnormal function of reproductive system in regulating menstrual cycle, that disrupts the production of egg or produces poor quality egg and makes uterine mucus hostile to sperm.

There are many symptoms of blood deficiency including:

a) Palpitations caused by your heart have to work harder, because of not enough blood in the body.
b) Forgetfulness and poor memory caused by not enough oxygen delivering to the nervous cells need
c) Insomnia: because of brain cells can not transmit information between themselves, leading to over production of certain hormones.
d) Shortness of breath: you lung has to harder to provide oxygen to your body needs.
e) Dizziness and fatigue is due to oxygen and energy shortage.
f) Constipation due to lack of fluid in the body
g) Pale complexion: lack of blood

5. Blood stagnation

Blood stagnation is defined as qi stagnation or qi deficiency in the liver. In traditional Chinese medicine, raw foods cause freeze and constrict circulation, leading to blood stagnation resulting in menstrual irregularities and sometimes infertility, because of blocking of the blood flow or blood become static to the reproductive organs..

a) Blood stagnation is caused by liver qi imbalance, it reduces the liver function in regulating the secretion of certain hormone in the prostaglandins family thereby, increasing the risk of abdominal cramps, thus causing blood stagnation in the abdominal region.

b) Liver also helps to regulate the secretion of insulin from the spleen, abnormal function of spleen increases the risk of diabetes, leading to blood stagnation in the reproductive organs.

c) Imbalance of liver qi also causes inability of liver in fat and protein metabolism, leading to nervous tension and increasing the risk of hormonal imbalance causing irregular menstrual cycle.

C. How raw food diet causes infertility by looking back to conventional medicine menstrual cycle in TCM Perspective

1. Estrogen

Estrogen which is yin pathogen in TCM, is required to stimulate the brain action in production of Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (FSH) by the hypothalamus. Raw food diet increases the kidney yang function, causing hormone imbalance with low estrogen and high progesterone and testosterone. Deficiency of yang ( or high level of estrogen) obstructs each step of in the estrogen phrase of the menstrual cycle, causing irregular production of hormones from pituitary gland in secreting FSH and LH and ovaries function in production of follicles such as poor egg quality, thinner the uterine lining which can support an egg implantation and early ovulation.

In some women, it causes menstrual irregularity, but in severe case, it increases the risk of infertility. The symptoms of kidney yang deficiency include:

a) White coat on tongue
b) Pale, frigid appearance
c) Achy pain in joints or muscles
d) Cold extremities
e) Poor digestion
f) Tendencies toward stagnation
g) Depression
h) Emaciation
i) Obesity
j) Etc.

2. Progesterone

Progesterone is considered as yang pathogen. Raw food diet is considered cool or cold in TCM perspective, it reduces the the yang qi to certain degree, depending on types of raw foods consuming daily by each individual. Since the second phrase of the menstrual cycle is the increased production of progesterone ( yang in TCM ), it affects the ability of egg extruding and deter the normal process of supporting the uterus lining in egg implantation as well as increasing the risk of producing cervical mucus which is hostile to sperm invasion. In severe case, it makes conception difficult for some women and infertility to others. As the level of progesterone rise, blood is required to support the uterus and the uterus lining in egg implantation and embryo nourishment. Raw foods cause freeze and constrict circulation, leading to blood stagnation and deficiency, resulting in lessening the chance for the normal process of making a baby.

3. Testosterone

Testosterone ( yang in TCM) is produced in small quality during the progesterone phase. Deficiency of yang qi reduces the production of testosterone, leading to low sexual desire, poor muscle tone and fatigue.

4. Menstruation

In traditional Chinese medicine, raw foods cause freeze and constrict circulation thereby reducing the spleen function in food transportation and weaken the liver function in blood formation, leading to blood stagnation in the productive organs including the uterus, causing not enough blood to support the process and for menstruation if pregnancy does not occur.

D. How raw food diet causes irregular period by looking back to 5 phrases menstrual cycle in TCM Perspective

The traditional Chinese medicine divide the women menstrual cycle into 5 phrases

1. The yin phrase according TCM) lasting about 3-4 days

In this phrase The yang ( progesterone) decreases rapidly and the yin (estrogen) starts to rise, leading to the growth of body fluids, supporting the production of blood and producing sperm friendly mucus as well as making the uterus lining thicken for egg implantation. The deficiency of yin or abundance of yang distorts the production of fluids which are necessary for moister and nourish the blood, causing shortening of yin phrase, leading to not enough time for egg to mature and uterine lining to grow thick enough for egg implantation, resulting in lessening the chance of fertility and increasing the risk of irregular period.

2. The Ovulation phase, lasting about 3 days

At the estrogen (yin) at its peak, liver triggers the starts the ovulation phrase, as resulting of stimulating of the brain action in production of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (FSH) by the hypothalamus of which in turn stimulates the pituitary gland to produce the follicle stimulating hormone, leading to initiating the growth and recruitment of immature ovarian follicles in the ovary. In this phrase, qi and blood moves downward to promote the implantation of the egg and nourish the uterus to support the growth of embryos. Deficiency of yin and blood stagnation caused by raw food diet shorten the ovulation phrase, leading to not enough time for egg implantation and uterus lining to support the growth of the embryo, causing infertility or miscarriage as well as irregular menstruation.

3. The Yang phrase, lasting about 5 days

During the fourth phase, yin decreases to allow growth of yang (mutual consumption of Yin and Yang). Growth of yang helps to warm the Uterus. Raw food diet causes yang deficiency, thus colding the Uterus that distorts the normal process of egg implantation.

4. The luteal phrase, lasting about 12 days

The luteal phase also is referred to day after ovulation to the day before period. In this phrase, a mature egg was released at ovulation as resulting of the production of progesterone from corpus luteum in preparing the body for pregnancy. Raw food diet causes yin deficiency and liver qi stagnation, leading to rising temperature and distorting the luteal phrase process, resulting in increasing the risk of infertility or irregular menstruation.

5. Menstruation phrase, lasting about 5 days

According the to traditional Chinese medicine, this phrase is dominated by the movement of blood and qi moving downward as resulting of dropping of the level estrogen and progesterone( yin and yang), since raw foods cause freeze and constrict circulation, it causes blood and qi stagnation, leading to delay menstruation, delay period and scanty period.

E. How traditional Chinese medicine helps to treat yang deficiency caused by raw food diet with diet in general approach

a) Appropriate diet

If you are raw food diet follower, make sure you increase the percentage of cooked food in your diet.

b) Moderate exercise

While raw foods interfere with the spleen function in digesting and absorbing nutrients, moderate exercise increases the digestive system in production of stomach acid and enhance blood circulation thus promoting a healthy spleen.

c) Relax and rest

Stress and rest are always a problem for people living in this fast pace society, we face stress constantly everyday, such as sickness of your child, workplace pressure, etc. You make sure that you take a lot of relaxation and rest to avoid the abnormal production of certain hormone.

III. The summary

The raw food diet has written an important page in the America (world) health history as its contribution to make us healthier and reduce the death rate of heart diseases and stroke will never be denied. Since traditional Chinese medicine have been round over 4000 years and proven to be one most effective traditional medicine in treating the unexplained causes of infertility, its idea toward raw food diet must be right in some extent. The aim of this article is to provide reader the other point of view, with no intention to offend anyone, including the raw food advocators. If you are offended by this article, I say sorry. If you are raw food diet supporter and diagnosed with the unexplained causes of infertility, I urge you to give it a try. Although, I don't consider myself as a raw food supporter, but 50% of my daily food intake are considered raw.

For the series of the unexplained causes of infertility, please visit
To download the endometriosis FREE e book or other health articles and series, please visit

All articles By Kyle J. Norton Are For Information and Education Only, Please Consult With Your Doctor or Related Field Specialist Before Applying.

All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.
"Let You Be With Your Health, Let Your Health Be With You" Kyle J. Norton.
I have been studying natural remedies for disease prevention for over 20 years and working as a financial consultant since 1990. Master degree in Mathematics and BA in world literature, teaching and tutoring math at colleges and universities before joining insurance industries. Part time Health, Insurance and Entertainment Article Writer. Part time Health, Insurance and Entertainment Article Writer.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Cooking for one: autumn production

by Jaye Joseph, September 30, 2009 | Permalink | Email this

As the dog days of Summer is over and the air becomes clear, it's time for some great fall produce. Squash, green leaves, cauliflower and fruits like apples, pears and Pomegranates begin appearing in our stores and in our dishes and there are many ways to enjoy this reward — even if you're cooking for one person.

How many people fall, me hearty stews and soups means. But when cooking for one, you will eat that stew for days to come, or freezing half of it for later, so it's good to find some great ways to make use of the product of fall that won't result in squash overload.

Cauliflower is in abundance at this time of year, and one of my favorite ways to prepare it is baked with olive oil, salt and pepper.Check to see if it is pre-cut cauliflower available in its production department or in the salad bar, and then get just what you need and take it home to bake! If you're choosing cut veggies in the salad bar, just add some chickpeas and sliced green olives for cauliflowers for a healthy meal that gives you loads of fiber and protein. Looking for a touch sweeter, more exotic?Replace raisins olives and may add a pinch of curry powder.

Green leaves are an addition to a healthy and tasty dish. Throw a handful of bulk hot spinach for some fiber and iron or Saute a few Swiss chard and sliced mushrooms to add to an omelette.You can find green most bulk produce departments, which makes it easier to buy only what you need for your meal.

Here are some other ideas to try:

Now that I've given you some ideas for cooking for a fall produce, what's your path to enjoy the bounty of fall into your favorite dish?

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Seasonal health promotion

by Chris Jensen, October 2009 | Permalink | email this

Now is the time to focus on getting well and support the immune system is a smart way to do it. This podcast presentation, encore Dr. Brooke Kenna talks about natural approaches, formulas for wellness and lifestyle tips for seasonal health promotion.

Dr. Brooke is a Naturopathic physician who practises as wellness consultant in the area of Cherry Creek, Denver, Colorado.

Podcast: Download

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Community Gardens: The Meadow, Baltimore

by Kate Medley, 7 October 2010 | Permalink | email this

Once an abandoned baseball diamond in the heart of Baltimore, Prado is now a thriving agricultural community learning Centre and garden created and maintained by the mid-Atlantic region of Whole Foods Market.Mark "Coach" Smallwood, predator local Whole Foods Market for this area, first discovered the site overlooked in 2009, while walking their dogs around the neighborhood. After almost a year of negotiation with the city of Baltimore, he was granted access to open paths to crop production.

Located almost equidistant between our shops Jordan and Inner Harbor, Whole Foods Market team Members are committed to maintaining the help from our team members and a network of volunteers from the neighborhood, the space is regularly capinado, abeberado and harvested. Community plots are available, however, most products harvested weekly is donated to the local food bank.

"If you don't know how to grow, it is a great place to learn," says the coach."If you know how to grow, it is a great place to teach".

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Friday, October 15, 2010

Raw Food & Raw Food restaurants in the San Francisco-the Very Best places to Eat healthy

Raw food in San Francisco

San Francisco is a raw food mecca--literally.There are many sources of fresh, organic produce in San Francisco, and plenty of vegan and raw meals restaurants, San Francisco is a very health-conscious and "green" city.

The best places to buy Raw Food in San Francisco

One of the best places to buy raw foods are Rainbow food shop, which sells 100% organic Vegetarian food. Absolutely no meat sold here. Rainbow grocery is an independently-owned cooperatives are located in the District of mission on Folsom Street. Other places to buy raw food includes: whole food 's market (2 locations in the city), Harvest Urban Market, Buffalo whole food 's, The Real Food Company, Valencia whole food 's and other roads community food Store.

How to buy Raw food-Fresh from your local farmer

You can also buy fresh food from local farmers through a program called a CSA. CSA stands for "Community supported agriculture." When you join a CSA, you will see a box for fresh produce every week from local farmers. Local CSA's in the area San Francisco/Berkeley includes: Eatwell Farm, Mariquita Farm, Farm Fresh to you and Riverdog Farm.Find a CSA near you, there are local Harvest site.

Another major source of fresh produce is local agricultural markets; Buy directly from the farmers is cheaper than buying products from a GROCERY STORE (usually). In addition, you can buy in bulk.Even better, S.F. agricultural markets offer organically grown foods--along with the standard, conventional up producing.Assessment of organically grown produce at farmers ' markets are not common in many East Coast cities, San Francisco is terribly happy in this respect.

San Francisco Raw Food restaurants

Over the past 5 years, has more raw food restaurants opened their doors, as consumers seeking healthier alternatives to destructive American diet of processed foods and superfluous fat.Raw food restaurants is a great way to eat healthy when you travel; San Francisco/Berkeley area has five raw food restaurants, plus more juice bars.Be sure to grab The Raw Food Restaurant Guide for more information (see below).

Raw Food Support Groups in San Francisco

The best way to succeed in a raw food diet is to have people who encourage and support you. San Francisco is fortunate to have many raw food support groups and potlucks. According to see living nutrition Web site, the six raw food potlucks in the Bay, including a marine. you might also consider forming a Raw Food Meetup group; according to Meetups homepage to 85 people in San Francisco is a raw food Meetup Group.

Regardless of what you, try to incorporate more raw foods in your diet, your body will thank you!

Emily Rutherford has to eat a raw vegan diet since 2003, She publishes The Raw Food Restaurant Guide, which includes updated lists of San Francisco raw food restaurants and raw food restaurants throughout the world; you can grab your free copy, visit The Raw Food Restaurant Guide.

Pre-Screen "Forks Over knives"

by Paige Brady, October 2009 | Permalink | Email this

If more debilitating diseases of our country could be avoided by simply changing the way we eat?The innovative new feature Forks Over knives presents compelling evidence suggesting that diseases such as heart disease and diabetes can be prevented – and in many cases reversed – through a plant-based diet food whole. you can check out the movie in a variety of events should select cities, listed below.

The film presents Caldwell Esselstyn Jr. M.D., author of reversing Heart Disease and t. Colin Campbell, PhD, author of The China Study – both members of the Medical Advisory Board Whole Foods Market.Our partner health starts here Rip Esselstyn, author of diet 2 Engine, makes an appearance as well.

Forks over knives has partnered with us to put on a series of events in cities selecting members. If you're nearby, please join us for these upcoming events:

If you were one of many who attended the sessions in Pittsburgh, Philadelphia or Raleigh, leave a comment below and let us know what you thought of the movie and where you live, you can check out the movie 11 March 2011 when he officially releases to the public.

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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Benefits to The Raw Food diet

Raw food diet is gaining much attention and the press lately. It has strong supporters from high-profile celebrity actor Woody Harrelson, modell, Carol Alt, designer Donna Karan and Chicago-based celebrity chef Charlie Trotter. Raw food diet you sound like a healthy diet. But it's just a fad? What are the benefits of the raw food diet?

Raw food diet is one that deals with the exhaustion of Uncooked, raw and organic food. This means that food must not be heated above a certain temperature. What this temperature depends on the type of raw food diet you are on.Yes, there are several to choose from, But usually the highest temperature varies from 92 degrees farenheit to 118 degrees farenheit.

If you equate the raw food only vegetarian food, this is not entirely true.For some raw food diets, is the only vegetables, fruit, seeds and nuts allowed; in other cases it may also include fish, meat, and Hard cheese dairy products such as raw milk, cheese and yogurt. This will help you get a lot of much needed protein from other food sources.

There are many advantages to raw food diet.One of the main reasons why people go on the raw food diet is because they believe that raw food can heal or treat several diseases. unprocessed foodstuffs contain live enzymes, thus aiding in digestion. It frees up your own body to work on their various metabolic processes-enzymes.Most of the enzymes in foods is unfortunately destroyed by heating when we cook and treatment designed to preserve them for sale.

Another advantage to raw food diet can be on your weight; This is simply because the raw foods usually have fewer calories than other types of food. A raw food diet can help you achieve weight reduction as you will need to cut out all the spam or processed foods.

Raw foods also contain bacteria and other micro-organisms which are said to be good for the balance of your intestinal flora.They can help boost your immune system and improve on the digestive organs.

Another advantage to raw food diet is that you may find yourself with lots of energy. This happens because your body can be easier to digest and used fuel from raw foods rather than meat and refined food.Raw food is also higher than the foods to which nutrients are cooked, since they are all destroyed by cooking.

However, even on the raw food diet, you should refrain from eating the smallest amount of pre-cooked meals, your body will find it more difficult to process the raw foods, because the acid levels in your stomach will be increased.

You must also ensure that you take food supplements especially if you are on the only vegetarian raw food diet, Vitamin B12 supplement as many vegetarians is flawed, because it is found in meat and other animal products.It is difficult to get this raw vegetables and fruits; Some other dietary supplements that are typically needed is zinc and copper, because they are found primarily in meat.Eat seeds and nuts can help you get some of them, because they are a very good source of protein that can help you recover your tissues and create new ones.Calcium and protein deficiency must also be examined, with a raw food diet.

You may find your appetite is growing with a raw food diet.You can eat lots of food and still be hungry and will be tempted to eat more.Although raw foods contain less calories, perhaps you undergo detoxification reactions such as severe headaches and ease nausea, if your stomach can not take too much raw food suddenly and all at one go.

Raw food diet is also not suitable for those who are pregnant women, young children, anemic people or those at risk of osteoporosis.Those who go on a raw food diet tend to have low bone mass.

Also take a raw food diet up considerable time, effort and commitment; you have to make many of your food from the beginning; Not all ingredients are as accessible as catering to a normal diet.

Despite the various criticisms will win the raw food diet movement popularity; the many benefits that raw food diet is exciting: balanced body weight, clear skin, more energy and less disease; it is also much easier to find restaurants offer raw food food in large cities now throughout the world; A raw food diet is not bad either; there are several cookbooks published with appetizing recipes that are easy to follow if you want to go on this diet.

Sandra Kim Leong is the author of the book Detox Diet Secrets; She also writes about diet fads and food cures [] for all kinds of diseases; to access her free tips and research here [].

Adventures in Brewing: Stout, SOS and low

by our team of wine, 1 October 2010 | Permalink | Email this

If you like your beer with football or any other activity of fall, October is the perfect time to try something new. here are three of our brews featured this month.

Guinness foreign Extra Stout (FES)
Once, Guinness made a delicious beer called foreign Extra Stout. He was stopped during prohibition, but now after several decades is back and in our stores now. Come experience the beer that The lawyer made a beer!More than two centuries ago, the legendary Arthur Guinness created the world's most famous Stout.Based on original recipe Guinness, FES was manufactured for the first time in 1801 to allow export abroad. Hops extras have been added to act as natural preservative and also gave beer a more intense flavor and higher alcohol content. Since then, more than one million barrels of FES have been manufactured worldwide. Now in 2010, FES is reintroduced in the u.s. for the first time since ban!

Lusty SOS Weizen Pilsner
For Lusty, SOS stands for "Save our Shore" and they're donating 75 cents per bottle sold for the restoration of the people and places of Gulf tides.Buy a package today and help support the relief efforts in Gulf Coast region!Using pure water taken from deep wells of Lusty Springs, Louisiana — Lusty brewery crafts filtered by cold lagers, full-flavored and ales without preservatives, additives or stabilizers. This special edition is your SOS Weizen, malty Pilsner and pleasantly bitter and was created as a "message in a bottle" to support efforts to help troubled waters of the Gulf Coast.

Bass Pale Ale
The adventure began in 1777, almost 100 years before red triangle logo brewery Bass became the first registered trademark of England the respected ale went on to inspire notable historical figures such as Napoleon Bonaparte and Edgar Allan Poe and 500 cases were loaded aboard The Titanic. Still manufactured with the original recipe of William Bass, Bass Pale Ale uses two strains of yeast for a complete and complex, nutty taste, malty with subtle variants jump.

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