Sunday, October 10, 2010

Eating Raw food is a fad?

Eating raw food is nothing new. Raw food is food that is raw and unprocessed, so eat raw food, food only eat in its natural state. If you have eaten a piece of fresh fruit or garden salad, have you eaten raw food.

In its natural state is food full of active enzymes, which is why raw food is often referred to as the "living" food. " Enzymes are natural compounds in raw vegetables, fruit, seeds and grains that aid in digestion.Cooking food of 112 degrees Fahrenheit is destroying enzymes. Prepares food with low or no heat helps enzymes remains intact and the food is still "live" which means healthier meals with more industry.


A large percentage of medical conditions in the world today is diet-based. A large number of common problems from allergies and acne to obesity-related diseases can be overcome by eating a raw food diet.Raw foods can help you achieve a healthy body-mass index, clear up your skin and have much more energy.

Eat a good variety of raw foods can also help your body to feel more satisfied with less food, because the nutrients of raw foods are so perfectly balanced.There is no need and desire to overeat. by eating raw and living foods, you can enjoy delicious, inert meals that satisfy your appetite and cause you to lose excess weight fast and good.

Eating raw food is also the best way to get the nutrients that your body needs to maintain your young. It makes your digestive system to clean up and then heal and rebuild itself.Eating raw food and drink extracted juice from fruit and vegetables, can effective absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream, which gives you a vibrant, glowing complexion.

Organic food

Organic foods are grown without pesticides, chemicals, genetically modified growth hormones, irradiation and antibiotics so common in meat and products sold most grocery stores; organic farms do not use harmful chemicals to produce their products. Organic vegetables can be twice the useful vitamins and minerals as regular vegetables.Live, raw, organic food contains enzymes, vitamins and fibre which is missing in cooked foods and is the purest and healthiest food for your body.

Raw Food glow

Raw food is about to get "glow"--looks and feels incredibly and live longer by preventing (and sometimes even reverse) disease.Allergies and skin condition acne tends to clear up.Raw food is full of minerals and vitamins the body needs to be the best.

Raw food is for everyone, not just children and health fanatics.Restaurants and shops are beginning to take care of raw food customers more all the time; In fact, with so much interest in its benefits, raw food is being developed in its own delightful food and there are many recipes freely available on the Internet and in raw food ' uncook ' books.

Try it for yourself

Anyway, why take my word for it try it? if you are just starting; hear about raw food and do not know where to start, do not think you need to do a ton of research to get started; makes it easy by gradually adding more raw foods to your diet; Eating fruit for breakfast instead of cereals and eggs; Eat salads with each main course and reach for raw fruits, nuts and seeds when you want a snack; Raw seeds and nuts also add texture and protein, vegetable dishes, you will reap enormous benefits even if only half of the food you eat is raw.

Eating raw foods will increase your energy, reduce your weight, detoxify your body and your immune system; When you try it and see and feel the difference for yourself, you can, of course, keep adding more and more.

Susan Ebacher have eaten and study on raw foods since February 2008, She owns a Web site devoted to the raw food and vegan lifestyles. Act for cruelty-free vegan products, read informative articles and find a free recipe for

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