Sunday, October 3, 2010

What You Should Include in Your Whole Foods Meal Plan

Whether you are beginning a new diet or you are a lifelong healthy eater, you may from time to time need some suggestions or tips on how to stay on track. For example, what you should include in your whole foods plan, whole foods diet may be a variety of options that you were totally unaware of.

A whole foods diet is one where all the foods you would be consuming are unrefined, they are all natural ones that do not contain sugar or excess fats. Whole wheat breads and fresh fruits and vegetables are all welcome on a whole foods plan. Consume as many fruits and vegetables as wish actually on any plant based or whole foods diet as you generally cannot gain weight from these types of foods an they are very healthy for you as well. You can use coconut oils and extra virgin olive oil to help give all of your foods some additional flavors as well.

More people confuse what a whole foods diet is versus one that is all organic. Whole foods are not always ones that are organic, they can be and organic is certainly the healthiest of the food choices, but it is not a requirement that all of your foods be organic on a whole foods diet. Do not box yourself in during your journey through a whole foods diet either, you can have quite a bit of choices that some seem to forget. Include vegetables and fruits of all shapes, textures and colors to ensure you are getting enough vitamins into your diet and too most importantly not get bored on your plan.

Become a juicer, this process will definitely help get you through at the very least the first few days or weeks of transforming into a life of whole foods. Then you will have the freedom to create all types of juices that are all natural and within your whole foods diet guidelines with ones you already know you enjoy the flavors of. You will become very good at mixing and matching various fruits and vegetables and you can create different juices for your entire family which is great to have them all on board with you. A food processor is also a good idea to create other dishes and still receive all of the full nutritional content of all of your fruits and vegetables. Keep in mind while on a whole foods diet you can still eat meats and dairy as well, they just need to be whole food versions of them and not ones that are over processed or possess any additives. Nuts, grains and seeds are also a part of eating a whole foods lifestyle so be sure to not forget those options and sell yourself short. Be creative and research any healthy fats that you will be permitted on your whole foods meal plan and begin to formulate recipes from there. Include as many colors on your plate as you can at each meal so you always have the vitamins and nutrients that your body will be craving for strong bones and plenty of energy.

As you work to achieve healthy eating habits, you will find that you have more energy and feel better everyday. It is important to create the right habits if you want long-term success! Experience immediate improvements in your eating by learning more about a healthy eating plan at my website:

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