Whole Food Value
Thursday, October 13, 2011
What's all the fuss about Raw Vegan Diets?
One event that served to bring the raw vegetarian food "phenomenon" into the limelight was the recent opening up an up-scale, five-star gourmet fine dining establishment in the San Francisco Bay Area called Roxanne's. Roxanne Klein, a leading chef and restaurateur, and her multi-millionaire husband David Klein, opened the new restaurant emphasizing a menu that is purely made up of raw food recipe preferences.
Most of the gourmet dishes presented have been developed by Roxanne herself. The quality, originality, seasonings and delicious tastes received the recognition of world-renowned chefs who have visited the restaurant to learn her secrets of the all-raw vegan menu.
Roxanne's is just one example of a much bigger movement that is becoming more popular. Today, in most large cities you can find several restaurants that have raw food meal options on the menu and even a few raw food restaurants that are devoted to only offering living foods.
John Robbins is a best-selling author and is broadly known and revered for his research and guidance about the food industry as a whole. He reports that there is a true food reformation in the works that has people favoring eating more foods that are organic and locally grown, which is at the heart of the vegan culture.
He indicates that this is out of both relevance for health factors and for protecting and bettering the environment as well. The vegan diet is a step beyond both the raw food diets and the vegetarian diets. Eating a raw food vegan diet excludes all meat and dairy, and also purges the cooking of fresh foods in favor of eating them completely in their natural form.
The raw or natural vegan diet includes a wide array of fresh fruits and vegetables, as most would expect. In addition, this raw vegetarian diet also relies a great deal on sprouted legumes and grains, nuts and seeds to supply protein and beneficial oils and fats. One of the primary reasons why eating raw food is considered to be healthy and beneficial to the body is because all of the food is packed full of living enzymes. The enzymes help with the digestive system and help deliver nutrients all over the system.
When food is cooked, these effective enzymes, as well as the other minerals and vitamins are destroyed. When these vital nutrients are destroyed by cooking, the body ends up desiring more food in an attempt to get its nutritional needs met. Through eating a raw vegan diet, the body acquires more nutrients from fewer calories and tends to shed weight naturally, while also feeling less sluggish and bloated.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
The benefits of eating raw foods Everyday
If only the idea of eating a raw food diet is not your cup of tea, then listen carefully because there is much more than most people would assume. The benefits of eating raw foods everyday lives is huge, your body is what you make of it, and by involving themselves in a raw food Lifestyle you really can transform your entire health.
Raw foods Gets a bad reputation even if they actually taste much better than most foods are cooked. When you cook for food at all, you begin to lose the natural flavors in the explosives sector longer you cook them, just as you would start to lose their flavor by cooking them, you lose important nutrients that you need to work.
There are several advantages to eat whole food's daily as to get more energy out of your natural food choices than you would on any other processed food you eat. Since you will not consume many foods with additives or preservatives, you will not issue any gas or indigestion either. Your body becomes sick from all toxins and unnatural foods you put inside it everyday, and when you begin to eat only whole food's body begins to clean himself from all these unwanted toxins.
You might be thinking, how will you survive on only raw foods? It is actually much easier than to cook your meals throughout the week. Firstly, you did not take the time to fix something that you can save hours every week. You simply have to gather a list of raw foods that you know you would have to eat for a week and head out to shop. Some examples of unprocessed foods that you can enjoy are all raw vegetables and fruits, nuts and several condiments that may trigger your interest. Spices can be in the form of oil extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil.
And even if you don't want to go 100% raw, you can always choose to integrate more raw eating with your cooked food. It is always a good idea to focus a good part of your eating of raw foods, and then supplement with cooked foods if you prefer.
You choose to eat whole food's is cheaper and takes less time to live this way. It is healthier for your body and your soul as well. Try it today, even if only for a week to notice the difference your body will go through to get healthier and feel better overall.
Don't miss out on the benefits to enjoy healthy eating habits everyday life! Find lots of free health information to a location on our home page http://EverydayHealthGirl.com:
Friday, August 26, 2011
Raw food diet-you can heal yourself by eating raw foods as I did! -Nursing Secret
If you are suffering from a variety of health problems, or need to lose weight or both and am thinking about changing your diet, you probably made the right decision. Change your diet to a nutritious healthy diet of raw foods (live food) will-foods that are alive-pay off your optimal health. Most people today are eating typical American diet, a diet mainly cooked with little nutritional value and do not know how to diet actually causes many of their ailments and diseases. Many people begin a living food diet when they find out all the health benefits and realize that it can heal or cure them.
I cured my breast cancer more than 10 years ago and turned down all conventional treatments. On switching to a raw food diet cured myself of many other diseases including Fibromyalgia, acid reflux, chronic sinusitis, allergies, and many others also. My immune system was not functioning correctly. I even had trouble to cure gum infections, cancer, ulcers, and simple infections and had many auto immune diseases and ailments.
As soon as I started eating my new diet can I know the difference. Boundless energy, sleep much less (five hours per night), little ailment began to disappear and then the great which has just passed. It was difficult to believe that a diet can do this, but still today, I am in excellent health as a result of my raw food diet.
A living foods diet is easy to implement and you do not have to do the switch right away if you don't want to. But you only start out eating more fruit and planted and green together with the raw nuts. You can eat seeds such as sunflower seeds by making some raw recipe for pates, etc. If you want. There are literally thousands of raw recipes you can make. But you can eat simply, too. You never feel hungry or gain weight if you eat a lot and eats very is key.
Losing weight is easy on a living foods diet. Pounds drop only and you are also eating healthy and doing the best for your body!
Most people do not realise how much they should eat fruit and planted one day and the type of Greens and how much. Just give food that live a try. It does not cost you anything other than the food you buy and by shopping around, you can buy fruit, planted, green, and raw nuts at great-value prices. Attempt to get organic or buy from local farms as much as possible but at least add raw foods to your current diet your body will thank you every day and know that you can help it in every way. I think of everything that goes into my mouth and how it affects my body. Will it help or heal me is two good questions to ask before you eat anything. Just get started on the raw food diet today. You'll be glad you made that I am.
Next my raw food diet cure and secrets-how I used it to cure my breast cancer, arthritis, fibromyalgia, acid reflux, stomach and sleeping problems, headaches, pain, weight loss, etc., is a nurse/ raw food expert's http://www.RawFoodDietCure.com and my easy raw food recipes, http://www.RecipesRaw.com
Monday, August 22, 2011
An unconscious College Student discovered the joys of eating raw foods!
Eating raw foods can provide as many health benefits, it is almost hard to mention them all. It is indeed! My dear friend and colleague become vegan years ago and performed on the health benefits of this year on this diet. I never understood why he choose to diet.
Regardless, when he jumped on unprocessed foods bandwagon, I was very surprised. He spoke constantly about the diet, until such time that I decided to give it a go. And boy was I glad I did!
The transition to eat raw food was hard and not easy. My body over a period of approximately one week gave out so many withdrawal symptoms. the missing seriously horrible food I used to eat. It was during this period it fought with the cause. I did not believe that I will do it until I woke up on the seventh day and noticed a big change in how I feel.
From that day and those that followed have become I far fitter, I could go for longer without feeling tired. My sleep was hugely enhanced. I could sleep for a good night's sleep. I had so much energy and my head could be clearly recognized. I could actually think straight. It was as if my body was a giant overhaul. Oh yes, I forgot to mention I don't get sick anymore. That is my skin, my inside feeling as clean and everything works perfectly.
Eating raw foods gave me the ability that I thought I had lost a long time ago. I wanted to only I had taken on the diet in the past. It would have meant that I have not received so many health problems during the period that I eat "normally" as the rest of society. Make a decision and a change in the day, you know that you and your body needs it.
Matt Hoffer is a raw-food enthusiast who suffer from low power until he was interested in raw foods. To discover how to create more energy by eating a diet that is full of raw superfoods, follow Matt's lead. For more information about how to go raw, visits http://www.rawfoodlife.net.:
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Nesco FD-75PR 700-Watt Food Dehydrator

Price: $79.99